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Thursday, August 03, 2017

Texas woman shoots, kills home intruder

A 60-year-old Texas woman wasn't taking any chances Monday morning when she heard two intruders enter her home, grabbing her pistol and shooting one of the would-be thieves dead, police said.

The woman, who was not immediately identified, confronted the two armed men after they entered her Harris County home through an open garage door around 11:30 a.m., WTSP reported.

Cathy Hanks, a neighbor, said it's not surprising the woman fired her pistol when she saw a threat in her home, explaining: "That's really how we are. That's just Texas."

"It's the state of Texas. If you're going to go into someone's home, you're going to get shot," Hanks said.



  1. Every state should be like Texas.

  2. 3:53 AM, Absolutely agree!!

  3. Good for her. In md she'd been treated like a criminal before a victim/ hero

  4. Too bad she only got 1

  5. Wake up Maryland. I don't want to be at fault protecting my life and property. I am not the bad guy, the intruder entering my residence is the bad guy. Big difference! Fluff up, perfect and explain our castle doctrine.

  6. Well Done > Real Justice !!!!!!!!!

  7. 6:56 your absolutely right. It's an uphill battle in our neck of the woods. First off we have an administration that doesn't believe we have a crime problem. Then we have a local media that makes self defense look like a crime. About 15 years ago there was an armed robbery at Grants Texaco on rt50. The clerk pulled out a gun and shot the robber in self defense, killing the robber. The lead in story that night on WBOC call it a case of "vigilante justice". Instead of Steve Hammond condemning the robber he condemned the victim for using self defense. A week or so later my father runs into Steve Hammond at a social event. Dad questioned Hammond's line of thinking and his editorialized news coverage. Hammond stood by his coverage and went so far as tell my dad that he was wrong for questioning his reporting. WBOC is a joke and always will be as long as they keep and glorify people like Hammond.

  8. In Maryland that woman would go to prison and be sued for everything she has.

  9. Yea Md is the INMATE STATE !!! Treats them better than
    Law-abiding people .............

  10. Use jury nullification. It's such a powerful tool of "we, the people" and made especially for times when the authorities overstep reason, fairness, and justice, that judges won't even let the subject be addressed in front of a jury.
    Think about that.
    One of our most fundamental rights -- being judged by our peers, all of whom have the right to say "not guilty" for ANY reason, without consequences -- is HIDDEN from citizens by those in power.
    Believe this -- if an honest tax paying citizen is relaxing in their bedroom and hears someone kick the front door down or break the back door glass and ends up putting 6 rounds (or thirty) into the bad guy, I PRAY I'm on the jury.
    They are walking. And I don't care what the law or prosecutor says. I don't have to....it is our right to do so....
    I'm going with Jefferson's predictions.
    Keep cheering.


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