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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Stop complaining about Back to School costs!!!

This is for all the hard working teachers in the world. #buytheyellowbinder #hugateacher TAG a teacher who needs to hear this! (When I'm mad my Jersey accent comes out.)


  1. Really ???? I wish I had the money to just throw a microwave in a cart for someone.. it cost me over 150.00 per kid for school supplies -thats with shopping sales-some of the requirements are ridiculous.. a 12 pack if red pens to go to thw teacher? Really she needs over 250 red pens this year?? I don't expect the teacher to buy anything for my kid but when a list comes out with 17 things on it -its out of hand

  2. The low intensity alcohol buzz probably helped this rant along.

  3. awe you want some cheese with your whinning

  4. I'll complain about back to school costs. That would be my tax bill that pays for the failed public education system. Get rid of public education.
    Private schools. Choice..

  5. If everyone would actually look at the law of public education, it says it is free and the school district is supposed to supply all needed materials for learning. Meaning no school supplies are needed to be purchased by parents for their children. If we all stopped buying this crap and force them to follow the law, watch how fast they would somehow "Find" the necessary funds.

  6. If you can't afford to take care of your child/children...stop having them, or don't have any at all. My kid is grown and I never asked for help. I worked full time and did without a lot, so I could take care of my child.

    1. I can take care of my children. I'm tired of paying for everybody else's.

    2. Thank you 12:44. Here here. I dont get food stamp single parent 1 in college, 2 in grade school & I manage to get supplies and uniforms and dont take and/ or grab the give aways.

  7. I don't have any children, and never will. And I have no responsibility, morally, to be paying for any of public education for 42 years as I have.. My parents paid for mine.
    And that's exactly what I tell these people lined up at stores asking for handouts, books, selling fruit, etc.

  8. Over half the things on the list are not needed. Teachers see cute Pinterest ideas and wants parents pay to for the crap. You need a writing utensil whether it be pen and/pencil paper and a notebook to put it in and a book bag , the other stuff is not needed. They are going to school to learn not do cute play time crap. Each teacher is demanding their own preferred favorite color of folders etc, again not needed. It can all be kept in one notebook less hassle and all work is kept together. Struggling families have a hard enough time without having to deal with this unnecessary personal preferences of each teacher and their cutsey Pinterest ideas. The older generation made out fine and learned more with less. Half the kids being pushed through now can't read, do math, spell or form a complete sentence. If you really want to help teachers bring disipline back and get the disruptive kids out of their classroom and quit pandering and making excuses for them.

  9. wow. I can't say I'm surprised by these comments. Very little sense of community spirit from folks in these parts. Selfish, small people. I can understand if you're poor and can barely provide for yourself and your family. But you can't afford a few pencils, paper, and a binder?

    Nobody is asking for you to buy them a rug or microwave, that actress was just emphasizing her willingness to help the teacher teach her kids and her gratitude.

    Everybody, (who has a job) pays taxes and part of those taxes go to school systems. And when these systems in this area continue to build schools that some feel are unneeded, it doesn't help to make people generous.

  10. OK, here's my rant!!!
    Having had put both of my children in public schools years ago, they (the school) would ask for certain things like tissues and Clorox wipes for the classrooms as well as, supplies they may need for the year. At first, yes I was completely beside myself and wondered what do they do with all that stuff and of course, why am I paying for it....??? Needless to say, those years are over thank goodness... But I will say this, now that I'm an educator, I get it even more so then when my kids were in school. But what some folks might know is that some educators spend a portion of their pay on supplies that the school does not supply for our needs to teach a classes. Not to mention, if a child in need, needs a notebook, pen on pencil again, we take that from our own personal budget. So in the end, who can complain more than the parents.. how about us teachers ??


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