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Friday, August 18, 2017

Steve Bannon Out As Chief White House Strategist

Steve Bannon has lost his job as chief White House strategist.

The White House described the departure as a mutual agreement between Bannon and chief of staff John Kelly.

"We are grateful for his service and wish him the best," said press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Bannon has been a larger-than-life character in Trumpworld: a right-wing provocateur whose rumpled wardrobe and radical politics belied his background at Goldman Sachs and Harvard Business School. (Bannon made a small fortune running his own investment banking firm. His compensation for one deal included a stake in residuals from the TV series Seinfeld.)



  1. This is turning out to be the apprentice after all. YOURE FIRED.

  2. He was good while he lasted.

  3. Who did not see that coming ?
    He was the kiss of death like Sarah Palin.

  4. Kelly fired him. Strange how Kelly is now able to fire people at the White House but Trump has to dedicate a DC facility outside the White House. Why not go there and do it? Is Trump not allowed in the White House? Hatching Hannity and people in the White House not allowed to speak to Trump.

  5. Do you think he will transgender and come back to the Whitehouse?


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