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Sunday, August 27, 2017

SPD Press Release 8-27-17 (Doverdale Burglary Arrest)


  1. Just another young entrepreneur trying to make some cash until 'the man' in a interupts his life. Damn shame. Can't do nuffin.

  2. He already got a break with being charged with theft UNDER 1K.

    Laughably his family is asking for prayers. I pray for your stupidity.

  3. Was the family praying prior to the arrest? Of course not, so WHY NOW? I guess to get clicks on FB!

  4. What a joke , smack him on the wrist , let em go . Get real people , they don't do a damn thing to punish these a$$ hole$.

  5. As long as they just get a slap on the wrist they will keep committing crime and escalating in severity until a lengthy prison sentence is given. A lifetime of crime and imprisonment because our justice system is too lenient.

  6. What a "handsome" young man!!!

  7. He was extradited in 2016 back to DE for crimes. Not his first rodeo.

  8. And it's our fault the prisons are crowded. Build more prisons!


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