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Friday, August 25, 2017

SPD Dirt Bike Investigation 8-25-17


  1. "Fled before they could secure the perimeter". How embarrassing. U have to be kidding me Spd. Pitiful. Way to go babs.

    1. Agreed. How does that happen? Ease back on the donuts butterball.

  2. Good job SPD. Now catch the little roaches!

  3. Soooooooo the cops OBSERVED them but they where to busy to chase them While making PIZZA ????????

  4. SPD didn't find them. WBOC did. Same bikes in their newscast.

  5. If you watched the WBOC interview it had the Shiloh Street sign on it, Match up the houses on the interview tape and it was easy to tell the general location of the bikes...............WBOC did SPD's work for them..................

  6. I keep a 3 foot 1/2 breaker bar beside my car seat and if they come wheelie beside me I am gonna see how tuff them spokes and engine cases are.


  7. First point is they have the bikes, and should be able to identify the riders. That's good news.

    Hope they can steamroller the bikes if the riders own them, or if they were stolen, can be returned to owners.

    Throw the book at the perps. Repeated violations that endangered innocent people every time.

    Send a message to copy cats. Good job, so far.

    SA office and judges, don't let us down.

  8. Still not the Green and blue bikes that are always doing wheelies Also there are two people that ride 4 wheelers with them as well.

  9. The bikes are stolen and they will be charged with that to . Shiloh is little Baltimore.

  10. 10;30 I was going to make same comment..

  11. they are all over the reservation as well

  12. These neighborhoods were better with the college kids. Town shouldn't have run them out.


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