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Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook

Even to casual observers, it has been obvious for months that the left is orchestrating a tightly-coordinated campaign to undermine and delegitimize the current presidential administration.

As an extension of the decades-long campaign to wrestle the narrative away from conservatives, independents and centrists, they’re smearing right-leaning commentators with anything they can find. In the take-down of Bill O’Reilly and Monica Crowley and attempted hit on Sean Hannity, for example, it’s more than evident.

And just this week, the suspension of Fox’s Eric Bolling provides even more proof.

We now know how the left is running this non-stop smear campaign and who is pulling the puppet strings.

We now have the Media Matters Playbook.

In a 49-page document marked PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL, the entire anti-Trump plan is laid out. Called “DEMOCRACY MATTERS, Strategic Plan For Action”, it lists four leftist partner organizations: Media Matters, American Bridge 21st Century, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and Shareblue.

These are some of the most well-funded, well-entrenched, and well known leftist organizations in America. Billionaire George Soros is a key backer..

So, what exactly do they want? Nothing less than complete control over political discourse in America.

More details here


  1. Gyorgy Soros... the common denominator behind all the left-wing, MSM, wacko fake news and propaganda machines.
    I wouldn't pee on him if he was on fire!

  2. What if he offered you $100,000,000? That's the way it works with Soros.


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