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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Should We Do The Same With Tilghman Road, NO!

Just because we disagree doesn't mean we should tear it down. The name offends me every time I drive past it but I'm not a snowflake, I'm a grown man. Perdue Stadium, do you know the man's (Frank) past history? Should we year down his name or plaques? Enough is enough!


  1. How about MLK road off of Rt 50 ?

  2. The AA crowd around here it too sedated to care. As long as you keep the EBT, pot and heroin flowing, they ain't gonna bother with this.

    It was a white dude who started the whole downtown sign issue. AA's be too uneducated to even know it existed or what the meaning was.

    They think ranting on FB is changing the world.

    Go back to sleep. nothing going on here.

  3. this is such a dangerous precedent the snowflakes are setting... once you start, there's no end to it

  4. 10:27 There are some AA doctors, lawyers and businesspeople that would disagree with your very racist viewpoint.

  5. 10:16 is correct - if you get rid of the monikers of one side - you need to rid us of the other as well...lest ye be accused of favoritism...

  6. There are two sides to what happened in #Charlottesville Yes, the KKK is a hate group, but not everyone who opposes the destruction and desecration of Confederate monuments is a Klan supporter or a "neo-Nazi." The left is pushing this false narrative and hatred. They're destroying and tearing down historic Confederate monuments across the country. Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other leftist thugs have been openly attacking police and Trump supporters, but the fake news media will not report this. Black Lives Matter and Antifa are worse than the KKK. Thank God for President Donald J. Trump for exposing the haters on the "alt-left" and their enablers in the fake news media.

  7. If we're in the midst of changing history (God truly help us), I'd like the $20 TRIIIIILLION dollar deficit to be erased. As in POOF! If I say it offends me each and every day, would that be justification?

    All the cool kids seem to be doing it!

    One thing that won't change - only TWO days until T.G.I.F.

  8. They better start printing money too then...

    Penny/$1 - Abraham Lincoln - may have been against slavery, but do not believe in equality and rights for blacks

    Nickel - Thomas Jefferson - Slave owner

    Quarter/$1 - George Washington - Slave owner

    $10 - Andrew Jackson - Slave Owner

    $50 - Ulysses Grant - Slave Owner

    $100 - Benjamin Franklin - Slave owner

  9. Gunpoint takedown , multi officer at Broad st now

  10. That right there is what anarchy looks like.

  11. $50 - Ulysses Grant - Slave Owner

    Not while president.


  12. Or, you could draw the line at, well, people who have tried to destroy the country that Washington and Jefferson fought to create. I don't know...it seems too easy, doesn't it?

    Confederate War Memorials: The Ultimate Participation Ribbon For Conservatives Who Hate Participation Ribbons

  13. I think we need to take down this racism and NOW, if you don't like this country our HISTORIC STATUES AND FLAGS then it's high time you leave. Don't let the good old doors hit you on the backsides.

  14. “There are few, I believe, in this enlightened age, who will not acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil,” Lee wrote back in 1856, in a letter written in response to a speech given by then-President Franklin Pierce.

  15. We should em-braise our history. This does not mean you have to agree or support it but at least learn from it. There is a reason we study history, So we can learn and improve. You cant and should not hide our past. I am tired of all these groups who feel they are entitled, are better then others. we are all created equal. grow up, learn manners and get some respect for your selves and others. Stop rioting, vandalizing, and hurting others. if you want to make our futures better then our past start there.

  16. Let's list the Salisbury area pre-Civil War slave owning families, starting with the Winders. How many more were there, and what was the family name? Do we suppose that we should today punish them for the money they made on the backs of slaves in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, the money that propelled their families to contemporary prosperity, to better schools, to higher public positions and power?

  17. Lloyd Street was named after a slave era Maryland governor.

  18. William Tilghmano had a plantation worked by slaves. He was a member of the Maryland House of Delegates from 1788 to 1790, attending the Maryland Constitutional Convention in 1788, and serving as a presidential elector for the state in 1789. He was elected to the Maryland State Senate, serving from 1791 to 1793.

  19. The Riggin family had generations of slaves, handed down from one member to another.


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