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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Seven Character Flaws America's Schools Encourage By Failing to Teach History

It seems pretty obvious, in light of the recent "monument mess" and discussions/arguments over statues, that our nation's schools have done a pretty poor job in teaching kids history. The New York Post reported earlier this year that an abysmal 18 percent of American high school students were "proficient" in history.

The Atlantic, NBC News, The New York Times, Smithsonian Magazine, and theHuffington Post all reported the same depressing news: American high school and college students too, apparently) simply do not know American or World history, geography, or civics.

The facts are, most American high school and college students are dreadfully and blissfully ignorant of the most basic information about their own country, government, and the history and cultures of the world around them. This can account for some of the behavior among mobs of "students" attacking free speech and vandalizing property. Do not expect the schools which have been teaching them thus far to turn things around anytime soon.



  1. The Atlantic, NBC News, The New York Times, Smithsonian Magazine, and theHuffington Post all reported the same depressing news: American high school and college students too, apparently) simply do not know American or World history, geography, or civics.

    Yes, and these media outlets are part of the problem.

  2. BAM! An uneducated, ignorant citizenry is dangerous at best.


  3. Keeping citizens ignorant of actual history seems to work so well for North Korea though. Bet Kim-Jung is pushing Che pretty hard in prog t-shirt orders these days.

  4. If history is ignored for a time, it's easier to rewrite or eliminate important bits of it. It's worked for every totalitarian state that's seen it as a valuable tool.

  5. All done by liberals elected to school boards and liberal teachers union. They want to be able to rewrite the Constitution to suit their own beliefs. But it was not written to suit their globally-diplomatic-solutions-to-every-crisis beliefs. Not that it cannot be amended to clarify some areas needing clarification in today's world, but the left want to dismantle our system of government to suit themselves.


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