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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Seven businesses reprimanded

Following a sweep of local businesses where police cadets tried to buy alcoholic beverages while providing inadequate or underage identification, seven Ocean City restaurants had hearings before the Board of License Commissioners on Aug. 16.

Most of the businesses walked away with letters of reprimand, which serve as the punishment for a first offense, without further action becoming necessary. If a business already has a letter in its file and should another violation be charged, the punishments can become more severe if the business is found to have done something inappropriate. The board can take a variety of actions based on the severity and frequency of offenses.

The most severe punishment was meted out to Flavors of Italy on the Boardwalk, since it was its third offense in the restaurant’s 17-year history. The business was ordered to pay $2,000 by 4 p.m. on Aug. 17, and the license was suspended for seven days, beginning at 6 p.m. Wednesday evening. The restaurant had signs placed on site notifying customers of the suspension, and the fine was paid the next morning, April Payne, county liquor license administrator, confirmed.



  1. Waste of time and money.

  2. And blocks away heroin is sold to any age person...SMH.


  3. Staunch advocate of most alcohol sales and usage restrictions but 3rd violation in 17 years merits a week suspension??

    Using the cadets is essentially entrapment; they may have correctly ID'd every other customer for the past two years.

    There ought to be some sort of sunset provision on ancient violations. If they repeatedly fail, then smack them around and get their attention.

  4. Who cares? Useless use of resources. Ocean city must have no real crime since they have time for this, violence, drugs, gone. Give me a break with this prohibition era crap

  5. wow good comments by all so far. I am pleasantly surprised.

  6. Good to know that the establishments on every other street corner in OC are doing a good job not to serve minors.

    Its the ADULTS being served that are the REAL problem!!!!!!!

  7. huge revenue generator.


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