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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

School Notes: Trump attire not grounds for classroom removal

Frederick County Public Schools teachers should not remove students just for wearing political attire like one Washington County teacher threatened to in a Facebook post last week.

The only reason a student could be asked to change out of apparel promoting President Donald Trump would be if the student’s clothing is disruptive to class or the school environment, said FCPS Communications Director Michael Doerrer.

Last week, a Washington County Public Schools teacher came under fire for a Facebook post where he wrote that he would remove students from his class for wearing Trump apparel.

The post from Smithsburg High School teacher Joshua Cramer, which has since been deleted, drew backlash from many on the social media network.



  1. Could you imagine anyone trying to make an issue of this in 2008 with an Obama T-shirt?

  2. 10:46 AM thank you, I had a less polite response, you saved me

  3. When I was in grade school, I had the presidential award for physical fitness patches on my gym shorts. The president at the time was Nixon.
    My family moved to a new area where the gym teacher was obviously a libtard. He told me to get those patches off my gym shorts or he would flunk me from gym class.
    What a head up the butt idiot this guy was.


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