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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Savoring Unsweetened Coffee Helps Lower Sugar Intake

People who’d like to reduce their daily calories without restrictive dieting should consider taking their coffee with little or no sugar - and savoring the beverage might help in that regard, researchers suggest.

“There are 48 calories in one tablespoon of sugar, and over the course of a day, some coffee drinkers may use their entire recommended daily allotment of added sugar (100 calories for women/150 for men) just in their coffee,” they write in the Journal of Health Psychology.

But for those who like their coffee sweetened, having it without sugar is easier said than done.

In a new study, Richie Lenne and Traci Mann of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis tested two interventions to help coffee drinkers reduce their sugar consumption.

They randomly assigned 127 participants to follow one of three approaches for two weeks..

More here

[This works for me-- a good coffee blend can have a chocolate-like tone that is excellent without sugar or cream. Try it. --Editor]


  1. There are 16 calories in a teaspoon of regular sugar, not 48.
    More fear-mongering.

  2. 9:52
    Three teaspoons make 1 tablespoon so the article is correct. You do know the difference between a teaspoon and tablespoon right?


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