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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Report Touts Wind Farm’s Positive Tourism Impact; OC’s Visibility Concerns From Shore Restated

OCEAN PINES – Wind farms off the Ocean City coast would benefit the economy and are not expected to have an impact on tourism, according to a report released last week.

On Friday, Anirban Basu of Sage Policy Group released a report on the observed impact of wind farms. Basu’s research reveals “little evidence” of negative impact on property values associated with wind turbines and “little to no impact” on tourism.

“People expect the worst and the worst has not happened,” he said.

According to Basu, who shared his findings at a press conference hosted by Lower Shore Wind Consortium, his group looked at the possibility of 77 turbines being built between 12 and 21 miles off the Ocean City coast. They investigated how that would impact property values and visitation.



  1. From shore you will not be able to see them.

    From the boardwalk you will not be able to see them.

    From inside a bar/restaurant you will not be able to see them. (*if not intoxicated!*)

    (snicker snicker!)

    THREE DAYS UNTIL TGIF/JEEP WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I don't trust anyone who is a "partner" of LIBERAL JIM!

  3. I would be in favor of win farms *IF* they paid their own way for construction and maintenance without subsidies from the taxpayers. Sadly, that will never happen.

  4. The people building them won't see them from their house.

  5. The war on coal and oil is over. We don't need your bird killing wind mills.

  6. The red blinking lights will destroy the nighttime ocean views.

  7. Nobody with the naked eye can discern anything 12 miles out in the ocean....haze from humidity limits your visibility!

  8. I bet Basu got a HUGE payout for this report... Integrity for sale..

  9. just ask the report writer and his cronies if they have any windmills outside their house?

  10. Move on folks. The wind farm is a done deal. Jim and Rick guarantee it!


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