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Friday, August 18, 2017

Radical Political Goals Of 'Anti-Fascist

In the days since violent clashes at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville culminated in a neo-Nazi sympathizer driving his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, journalists have mainstreamed the self-described “anti-fascists” (or “antifa”) at the rally — largely ignoring their involvement in the escalating political violence in this country.

Many establishment political figures insisted the far-left actors were just like American soldiers on D-Day. But these “anti-fascists'” own statements show they’re nothing like American soldiers on D-Day.

They aren’t interested in protecting America’s system of government, according to their own statements — they’re interested in destroying it.

From the very start of the Trump administration, far-left actors declared their intention to use massive demonstrations to disrupt the American political process as much as possible.

A common mantra among far-left groups beginning shortly before the inauguration: make America “ungovernable.”



  1. A civil war is coming and we on the right have to make sure we don't start it but we have to make sure we win it. When the crimnal trials start people on the left will be sentensed to death and people like CNN poison mouth announcers will be gone.

  2. Why is there no investigation into ANTIFA? They have a "manifesto" that states their goal of destroying America's democratic government. That means they are the "enemy of the state". The Democrats, Clintons, Pelosi, Waters, Cummings, Schumer and Soros is not condemning this group. Does that mean they are supporting them even as far as money through disguised organizations? Where is a "special prosecutor" for this group? Are they not doing what Mueller is investigating an unfounded accusation against Russia and President Trump?

  3. 7:45 is correct. These people, BLM and let's toss in the KKK have nothing but disdain for our present day Capitalist system and want nothing but to destroy our way of life, economy, and National Order and should likewise be quelled by our government forces as the enemy within attacking our National Security for $25 per hour.

    They should be met with $2 bullets. Lather, rinse, repeat until we can re-erect our National Monuments.

  4. It has been an " ungovernable " joke for sometime. Left and right extremist are just pointing out the Emperor's New Clothes. Sinclair Lewis predicted when Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag carrying a cross and riding a white horse. I fear embracing blindly such an Iconic notion to simple be on the side of right or dawn of change will progress the Republics divisions and further empower the Federal Machine to further disenfranchise free will and enslave us all.


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