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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Race War Hoax Exposed: Black Chicagoans Say Leave Washington Statue Alone

Inner-city blacks are rejecting calls from a Chicago pastor to tear down a local George Washington monument and change the name of Washington Park. For one community organizer, the attacks against our nation’s historical monuments are an attempt to manufacture a race war that won’t help anyone in the black community.

In the fallout of the Charlottesville, VA, rally over the removal of a Robert E. Lee monument, Bishop James Dukes, a pastor, is calling for the name of Chicago’s Washington Park to change and for the removal of the park’s monument to our nation’s first president, George Washington.

Chicago community organizer Paul McKinley invited my co-producer, Andrew Marcus, and me on a tour of the south side neighborhood surrounding Washington Park to hear from him and other residents their feelings on the media manufactured debate to erase our nation’s history.

McKinley, along with area residents we encountered during our shoot, disagree with Dukes and say George Washington should be left alone.

More with video here


  1. Russia - Nope, KKK/Nazi - Nope move on to he is crazy

  2. It isn't the Blacks or Black groups doing most of this. It is white communists.

  3. White Commies are trying to steal racism from black people for their own agenda.

  4. EXACTLY what we have said all along, race riots are started within the race - not from another race. Time and time and time again - LATHER, RINSE, REPEAT!


  5. Who speaks for who anymore? Im just sick of trying to figure all this political correctness out all ready.


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