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Sunday, August 13, 2017

Question Of The Day 8-7-17

Most of us can name one movie that scared us when we were younger.  What was/is yours? 


  1. JAWS for sure. I was ten years old and did not want to go in the water for quite sometime after seeing it!

  2. Invaders From Mars. (1953?)

  3. Exorcist...saw the movie then went to the staircase location in Georgetown DC

  4. Night of the Hunter with Robert Mitchum

  5. 1. Scanners 1A. The Shinning

  6. Friday the 13th. I have never watched horror since.

  7. Bambi. How could anyone shoot Bambi's mom?
    A few years later, Old Yeller. They shot Ol' Yeller.
    Disney was pretty brutal back then...

  8. The Day The Earth Stood Still...

  9. When I was about 12 years old I went to a musical, hell I didn't even know what a musical was I got up and left and walked around for a couple of hours waiting for my mom to come pick me up. I remember there were a few scary movies in those days but not many I don't really recall any. During those days there were a lot of cowboys and Indians movies.That was in the late 40's 46 47 48. when I lived in San Jose Calif. On Saturdays we mostly went to the Victory Theater where we saw 2 movies and a stage show. I didn't know it at the time but it was what they called Vaudeville to us kids it always idiots telling jokes we didn't understand or a juggeler or some other junk we didn't like we came for the movies it cost 14 cents. The Victory Theater was one of the last Vaudeville theaters in the country.

  10. Exorcist for sure!!!!! 1973 and zero special effects (i.e. technology like today). Folks were throwing up in the theater and hiding behind one another. Literally scared the BeeJesus out of me!

    I remember the catholic church was none too happy with the movie industry too!!!

    Good times!!!

  11. Night of the Hunter with Robert Mitchum

  12. The Wizard of Oz.

  13. No movie EVER scared me. I knew it was fake.

  14. Jaws - I have never swam in the ocean since.

  15. Exorcist .. .. Boulevard theater downtown ..got over at 12 midnight and drove home scared as crap !! was still living at home ( in high school ) then !

  16. 1:35 beat me to it.

  17. I have 2, The Last House on the Left and In Cold Blood. (map)

  18. The Wizard of OZ and I still hate the movie!!

  19. The flying monkeys in Wizard of Oz

  20. When a stranger calls.

  21. The TINGLER (1959) Vincent Price

  22. Behind the Green Door!

  23. war of the world the origional in the 50s

  24. Wizard of Oz for me too. I hated Miss Gulch for taking away ToTo.

  25. I was 5 years old. My mom took me to see Nightmare on Elm Street part 1 in the old mall movie theatre. I didn't sleep for about a month.

    1. 7:20, same for me Nightmare on Elm street. Except I was 10 and saw 1&2 as a double feature. Didn't sleep thru the night or in my own bed for a year!! I've rewatched it as an adult and it doesn't scare me at all.

  26. The miracle worker with Patty Duke. It was on TV when I saw it. I was about 7 or 8 at the time.

  27. Wicked witch and flying monkeys in Wizard of Oz

  28. Probably the first one I remember was Wizard of Oz. That darn witch and those monkeys scared the heck out of me. The birds was freaky too, along with Poltergeist and Amityville Horror when the guy fell from the stairs into the hole filled with blood.

  29. The Amityville Horror. I was 12. The book scared the hell out of me and the movie as well because it was based on a true story. I watch now, and it doesn't bother me. A later interview from his son years later in a documentary revealed the house wasn't haunted, but the father was demon possessed.
    Just look around you, and you can see evil everywhere. Satan seems to be running the world right now.

  30. Fright Night- 1985 they remade one in 2011 but the one from 1985 haunted me for years. I've rewatched this movie as an adult and it is still scary.

  31. Jaws and The Exorcist

  32. Phantom tollbooth
    The howling

  33. Thw shinning and amtyville horror.

  34. The Fly. The original one. When it came from behind a door in a funeral home and attacked a man, I almost came out of the recliner I was sitting in. Never will forget that.


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