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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Prince William Co. supervisor Stewart blames ‘left-wingers’ for half of Charlottesville violence

WASHINGTON — As political leaders from both sides of the aisle speak out against the weekend violence that happened in Charlottesville, Virginia, between white nationalists and counter-protesters, one local Republican claims only half the story is being told.

“It’s time to end the hypocrisy,” said Corey Stewart, chairman of the Prince William Board of Supervisors.

Stewart, who will challenge Democratic U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine for his seat next year, said there is plenty of blame to go around.

“People condemned all those far-right agitators, but no one seemed to condemn the left wing,” he said. “Clearly, half of that violence was committed by left-wingers.”



  1. How about we blame the NAZIS THAT STILL EXIST IN 2017. You have got to be kidding me. Anyone who stands up to Nazi's is a friend in my book. My father fought them and so will I especially on home turf.

    1. Your a moron. There are no Nazis, the last ones were hunted down or since died. Those were racist idiots playing dress up as Nazis. And very few at that, it was a gathering of many different groups. Keep swallowing what the media is feeding you. Do you think the violence from Antifa that has been continuous since the inauguration is acceptable as well?

    2. Left wing haters.

  2. It was a peaceful gathering being done legally. Then the lil snowflakes show up and the violence began. Sorry about their luck.
    I think they are going to be surprised when the shooting starts.
    But it will be too late.

  3. Wondering what Tim Kaine's son Woody is up to these days....

  4. 11:40 - You go try taking to Nazis. Chamberlain tried it in the 1930s and we see where that got him. It took Churchill to take the fight to the Nazis.

  5. Remember nazis tried to wipe out the jews. At least nothing was burned down or shots fired.


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