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Monday, August 14, 2017

Pollak: Trump Was Right to Condemn Violence on ‘Many Sides’

President Donald Trump reacted to Saturday’s violence in Charlottesville by condemning violence “on many sides.” His critics pounced, saying that he should have specifically condemned violence by white supremacists, and that by not doing so, he in fact condoned such violence.

The critics are guilty of a double standard, and of exploiting the violence for political gain, widening America’s divisions at a time when national unity is the only proper course.

First of all, as a factual matter, it is self-evident that there was violence on both sides on Saturday, though the attack in which a car plowed into a crowd of left-wing protesters stands apart as a despicable act. Two groups who have been fighting all over the country — white supremacists and so-called “anti-fascists” — went to Charlottesville to do the same, just as they did last summer in Sacramento, and just as they have elsewhere. Condemning one side alone would essentially have given the other side a pass for its tactics — and a political victory that neither deserved.

Second, Trump’s critics never applied this same standard to Barack Obama..

More here


  1. Our society is directed by our news and information networks as well as entertainment , The all preach diversity but these industry's are all owned and controlled by people of the same faith which is the opposite of diversity. I think it's dangerous to have one group wield this much power over our society based on their personal political and racial preference.

  2. What about the folks who specifically came out against a legal demonstration. All they did is give the group purpose and grow the ranks. Sorry but I am not going to apologize for being White. I did not own anybody and the confederacy was about pride not race. This is just a preliminary incident for the future unless the race card is stopped. Our prior president and his socialistic buddies have brought this upon us. Pray it can be stopped before an all out civil war ensues.

  3. When Dylan Roof killed the people in the church, he was a member of a white supremacist group, and Obama never once used the term to condemn him. He did just like Pres. Trump, he condemned all of the forms of hate.

    Trump could be crapping out gold eggs and giving them away, and the Media would find fault with it.

  4. 10:25 has a good point!
    The last eight years was supposed to be a race-relations improvement period...it was quite the opposite...

    Handouts for votes and disparagement of the entitlist mentality!

    Racism is as prevalent now on the black side as it ever was on the white side!

  5. I just don't understand the whole thing... All I saw on the news were two redneck factions - all white guys - fighting each other. I rarely saw anyone of color in the fights. Did you?
    I think that's what Trump really meant when he said "both sides".
    The news would never report that, of course.

  6. Things had improved and justifiably so.....but in the last 8-9 years....we've regressed back to the times of the 60's!

  7. If by reacted you mean he read 4 limes of crap written by someone else with little to no emotion. Sad, sad day. If you see a Nazi in 2017 murder someone and your first reaction is to defend yourself for being white perhaps you are part of the problem.

  8. The news media is selective at best what they tell us. They neglect to tell us about the city gov't there. The asst. Mayor? I think revoked the legal permit the group obtained. They sued and a fed judge reinstated the permit. This same group was attacked with bottles and pepper spray while the police did nothing. (I have read there was a stand down order given) The police also forced this group to walk into the area containing the opposing group and forced confrontation.

    There is more to this than meets the eye. The guy that rammed his car into other cars was an army basic training wash out, whatever that has to do with anything. The police said he was scared and was trying to get away from people who were attacking him. I have read that someone with BLM smashed his rear window with a bat. All of that will come out later, or not.

    What he did was wrong and he will be in jail a long time for it.

    There is plenty of blame to go around here. I always carry a bat when I want to be "peaceful opposing protesters" don't you?

  9. White supremacists BLM and Antifa all need to go away. Where were all the calls for justice by the left when BLM was burning and looting. Where were the calls for justice by the left when Antifa was attacking people who were peacefully holding rallies. The only reason those on the right come wearing body armor and carrying sticks is because they are tired of being attacked by BLM and Antifa. The problem in America lies with the Mainstream Media. They only show the side that supports their left wing agenda. Without racial divide, polital divide or radical idea divide they the MSM have nothing. I have CNN MSNBC and a few other stations blocked so that garbage cannot be watched in my house.

  10. The event was an exercise of their constitutional right to free speech and their right to assembly. It was a legal demonstration, and they had a permit. On the other hand, the counter-demonstrators did not have a permit, and did not have any right to try and stop the legal demonstration. From all the images I saw on TV, the counter-protestors were blocking and attacking the the group exercising their legal rights. Because the white supremacists were expecting the cops not to do their jobs, they came prepared to defend themselves, and they did. That's what I saw, and all that I saw. Why didn't the cops keep the counter protestors away from the marchers exercising their free speech and assembly rights? The cops in VA were cowards, just like in the Baltimore riots. Their policy was "stand down" let them go at it....until someone dies.

  11. The democrats are loving this. Don't let them fool you. They are happy the girl died so they can blame the right and if they claim otherwise they just getting to that lying that they all do constantly.

  12. Nazi 12:06? Maybe it would benefit you to research before commenting and making a fool of yourself. That's a problem with you people-you never get off the shore and say dumb things constantly.
    No he was NOT a Nazi. I could school you all day long on Nazism but I'm not sure you are capable of grasping so I will refrain and give others the nut shell version.
    He was a white nationalist. White nationalists are not racist. They don't even concern themselves with other races. They don't hate anyone. Their goal is to ensure the survival of the white race.
    That's it that's all Einstein 12:06.
    It's been said that white supremacy is an offshoot of the white nationalist movement and they do take some of their beliefs off of Nazism which I won't go into right now.
    So 12:06 it would benefit you immensely to educate yourself because all you are doing is spreading lies. Now I know you people do lie constantly but that lying you do benefits no one and only proves what a poor job your parents did of raising you.
    Also if someone wants to defend themselves for being white they can do it whenever then want too. It is their right. You are the problem a big problem-No "perhaps" about it. Do you understand. I doubt it Without an honest drop of blood running through your rank body you would never admit it.

  13. This is exactly what terry mc awful and the left angled for. The police were ordered to stand down as usual and now they have a dead body. Just what the left and media has been longing for.

  14. This is no different than Berkley. It’s all planned. When they know there is a conservative speaker scheduled, they show up to not only shut down the presence of the speaker, or in this case, a permitted protest by another group, and start trouble. The Left wants another Ferguson with their Mike Brown narrative, they want another Trayvon Martin with his picture of the innocent little boy of 8 years old, instead of the MMA thug he was – buying his skittles…

    Now they can blame Trump supporters, and the president himself. Democrats don’t realize that they’ll light a fuse which will consume them as well as others…

  15. At Trump’s San Jose rally last years, the KKK were among those protesting against Trump and were for Hillary. This wasn't exclusive to San Jose evidently.

  16. Judge Jeanine had a Black Professor, historian who had predicted the White Nationalist Minority in 2001-Dr Carol Swain, Vanderbilt Law She says it was clear that they were a large and aggrieved minority with a real set of issues no one was addressing. Good people though some would drift into KKK and extremist groups.

    Trump gathered tens of millions of them. We call them MAGAs. They want America back.
    She documented it back 16 years ago.

  17. Wherever Antifa goes, there is always violence and they are the ones that start it.
    I subscribed to their email list for close to one year. I was floored at their open promotion of tactics to create chaos and violence.

  18. There are some reports that it was not intentional, and the videos may support that viewpoint. It looks in the end like a 3-car pile-up. There is a group of 3 cars trying to get through protesters, some climbed on the first two vehicles, the first stopped, and the third was speeding up big-time to close the gap. I think the analysis will be very different from the initial story the presstitutes wanted.

    Eric Holder, bless his evil soul, is calling for a DOJ investigation. Trust me, we NEED that. ANTIFA will finally get the attention it needs, and probably “stand-down” Democrats, too. The video includes the narrator asking why no police were anywhere close to the crash. You can see all the civilian first responders and people asking for ambulances.

  19. The Black side caused all the trouble > they Own it
    Quit taking down American History !!!!! Problem Solved


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