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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Police May Be Using Military Drones by 2025

By as early as 2025 American police departments might be ditching their choppers for modified versions of military drone aircraft, Defense One reported.

The drones are cheaper, fly longer, and are easier to hide from criminals being surveilled. And there is no crew aboard to be injured or killed in the event of a crash.

They also can be equipped with cameras powerful enough to identify a person from several miles away.

While that is expected to be a boon for law enforcement, it also raises privacy concerns.

But the more immediate issue facing drone-makers is one of regulation. Current FAA rules still apply to human-piloted craft, not those flown by people in distant areas like the military drones monitoring and attacking terrorist fighters in the Middle East.



  1. Well Trump has allowed them to have grenade launchers so why not military drones. Some police state we're gonna have eh?

    1. 7.5 more years of trump sounds good to me!!

  2. This will be very effective against ANTIFA especially if you can arm them, however we need them now , not later. ANTIFA is an army against the people of the U.S. and should be terminated quickly.

  3. Just wait until Limelight Lewis gets a few of those. No one will be safe going 6 mph over the limit on the way to work while the heroin dealers are still sleeping in.

  4. Police state ? You don't have any idea what you're talking about , define police state. If a police state will save this country from the left , then bring it and do it now.

  5. A police state will confiscate all guns. You up for that too, 6:03?

  6. More RADAR Tickets !!!!!!! You won't see it coming !!!
    It's in the Mail !!!!

  7. Tanks / RPG's / Claymores / Flame Throwers Next !!!!

  8. Replies
    1. Antifaaaah supporter no doubt.

  9. The title means they were using them 10 years ago.

  10. Psst, they already are using them!


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