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Friday, August 04, 2017

Pocomoke goes on trash offensive

Sprucing up Pocomoke to rid the town of trash and debris is the aim of a new effort initiated by Mayor Bruce Morrison earlier this month.

“It doesn’t look very good and the town is really getting in bad shape,” he said. “Even the residents of Pocomoke have come to me and they want me to do something. They’re saying. ‘Bruce it’s time we get this town cleaned up.’”

Morrison said a small committee was formed after strategizing with city department heads. They have been tasked with improving the town’s unkempt appearance and instilling a renewed sense of pride in Pocomoke.

“Let’s get this town cleaned up and do whatever option we can,” he said. “Let’s start with the downtown and work our way through it.”



  1. Yep, there are parking stripes all the way down Market Street. Now, if we could just find someone willing to park in them!

  2. I get what he is saying and what part of it is the municipalities responsibility, but it is also the citizens responsibility.

    If there were any pride, people would not allow it to happen.

    Good for him, for making meaningful changes.

  3. In olden times, business owners went out in front of their places of business first thing in the morning with brooms and swept the sidewalks.

    Maybe that's too much to expect from today's lot.

  4. The area just east of Walmart, on the bridge on Old Snow Hill Rd. It is the worst. The city could spend over a day cleaning that area up. It is one of the main access points into Pocomoke off Route 113. It is sad that people toss their trash out there and on Carter Rd, just off Rt 113. From TV's, mattresses, to KFC and MacDonald's. A camera would definitely catch these jerks.

  5. 5:58 Store fronts are usually fine. It's all the places ignorant people toss out their trash from their vehicles. I've seen it. They act like there won't be a trash can for miles. Ignorance. They ruin things for the responsible folks.

  6. Getting rid of the trash on the streets requires getting rid of the trashy people.

  7. "The area just east of Walmart, on the bridge on Old Snow Hill Rd. It is the worst'..."

    Yes, it is. Unfortunately it is not within city limits so It's the county's problem, not the city's.

  8. Write few $100 and $1000 littering tickets and get the word around.

  9. Another eastern shore scenario. Building our of city limit developments, take the once homeowner based cities then when the elders start to die off the kids either try to be half ass slumlords or sell the properties of and inevitability end up as rentals. With this cones the problem of now n ownership attitudes and the usual relinquishing a security deposit as a deterrent

  10. I witnessed a young man returning to his section 8 housing after grabbing a burger at McDonalds look around furtively then blatantly drop the burger wrapper to the ground and then the bag. No regard because these people take no ownership. I was fearful of saying anything thinking the kid was probably packing.


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