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Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Pelosi 'believes she will be Speaker again' - 'can smell good midterm election'

As Republicans continue to fail to deliver on key promises to voters, Nancy Pelosi believes Democrats’ prospects are increasing, and that’s why she’s not going anywhere, according to one veteran reporter.

A.B. Stoddard tells Fox Business Network the 77-year-old House Minority Leader “believes she will be Speaker again.”

“Democrats had their chance to get rid of Nancy Pelosi in November and they didn’t do it and that was their window,” Stoddard said.

“It’s too late now. She can smell a good midterm election for Democrats. She’s not going to step down. She believe she’ll be Speaker again,” the Real Clear Politics reporter added.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich recently predicted a Speaker Pelosi in 2019 if Republicans don’t pass sweeping change for American taxpayers.

During an appearance on Fox News in mid-July, Gingrich urged Republicans to focus on economic growth.



  1. We can smell her from here. It's unpleasant to all but the flies.

  2. The only thing she smells is that "old people odor"...coming from herself!

  3. What she smells is her rotting decaying body, she is dead from the feet up, but just don't know it.

  4. Change your depends Nancy. The smell should subside some.

  5. Master Legislature....lol, lol, lol

  6. What the mid term elections smell like is Depends. Most of the incumbents are wearing them, they've been in office so long. That place must smell like a nursing home.

  7. Something seriously wrong with her....more shaking going on than in a bowl of jello....

  8. Nancy should climb back up on the ledge of a cathedral and spout rain water if she wants to be useful.

  9. Put her in PRISON .........with Shumer / Cummings !!!!!!!!


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