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Thursday, August 24, 2017

PayPal Bans Jihad Watch from Accepting Donations

Online payment company PayPal has banned Jihad Watch and the site’s director Robert Spencer from accepting online donations using the service.

PayPal has reportedly suspended the account of Jihad Watch, according to the website’s director, Robert Spencer. In a post on Jihad Watch calling for the boycott of PayPal, Spencer outlined his correspondence with the company over a number of emails. PayPal’s suspension of Spencer’s account came shortly after an article published by Lauren Kirchner of ProPublica who criticized tech companies such as PayPal that allow Jihad Watch to utilize their online services.

“Because of its “extreme hostility toward Muslims,” the website Jihadwatch.org is considered an active hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League,” wrote Kirchner. “But its designation as a hate site hasn’t stopped tech companies — including PayPal, Amazon, and Newsmax — from maintaining partnerships with Jihad Watch that help to sustain it financially.”

Breitbart reached out to Spencer, who gave the following comment on his sudden suspension from PayPal:

"People have complained for years about the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate group” list lumping legitimate groups in with the KKK, neo-Nazis, etc. Now this has teeth, as PayPal and others are closing their platforms to those who dissent from the establishment Leftist line, based on the SPLC’s hit list.

"The Left sees blood in the water after Charlottesville and is moving in for the kill, attempting to de-legitimize, silence and destroy all dissenting voices.."

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  1. Anyone that cites the Southern Poverty Law Center as a legitimate source of information is full of crap.

  2. 10:23 AGREED!! Leftist power-hungry manipulators.


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