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Sunday, August 27, 2017

PARCC Scores Show Schools Are Underfunded

The Maryland State Department of Education released Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) test results for the 2016-2017 school year.

Maryland State Education Association President Betty Weller released the following statement:

“This year’s PARCC scores are a reflection of the fact that our schools are underfunded. When you have class sizes of more than 30 kids to a teacher, when you have high teacher turnover rates because we underpay educators, and when you don’t address the non-academic barriers to learning in our communities of high poverty, you see achievement gaps persist.

"It’s not enough to talk about test scores—kids are never going to test their way out of poverty. We need more funding in our public schools to meet the needs of every child, and until then you’re going to keep seeing the same results.

"Unfortunately, Gov. Hogan has no plan whatsoever to give our schools the support they really need—in fact, he’s made cuts to our schools several times as governor. That’s why educators are working with leadership in the state legislature and other education experts to put together a comprehensive increase in education funding in the years ahead.”

Consultants hired by the Maryland State Department of Education have concluded that Maryland public schools would need $2.9 billion more in funding to ensure every student is ready for college or a career.


  1. There was 30 - 38 students in a class in the 60's. I know because I was in these classes. The only difference was back then there was discipline in the schools and the ones that where attending learned knowledge. Now there is no discipline and everybody passes and nobody gets expelled or kicked out of school. We are spending money on salaries of teachers to babysit and indoctrinate. There are teachers who are qualified to teach. When these problems are addressed then schools will have higher ratings. As for as colleges, they need to get rid of tenure and make these teachers, called professors, need to quit indoctrinating political views and teach knowledge to these students. Teachers need help from the Administrations to start with these solutions instead of denied the right to do their job properly.

  2. The only thing PARCC shows us is a list of kids who pay attention while at school. Nothing more.

    Of course the MSEA wants more money.

  3. "Maryland public schools would need $2.9 billion more in funding to ensure every student is ready for college or a career"

    This is out and out BS, there are students that will never be ready for college or a career no matter how much money is spent. 10% of the population will never be productive members of society no matter what.

  4. Of course, look who funded the study.

  5. I'm a teacher and we need discipline, not money. I make a good living teaching and if you want smarter kids you need to purge the troublemakers and thugs from the schools. We have the resources to teach, we just waste too much time with the troublemakers.

  6. once again, the most highly-educated among us HAVE NO CLUE!

  7. 121pm, won't happen in our lifetime. Society has changed where everyone "wins" and gets a "trophy". This mentality, now +25 years, has gotten us to where we are today.

    Even God can't help here!

    (substitute passes for "wins"; diploma for "trophy")

    1. 1:31 You are absolutely correct!

  8. 1:21 maybe it's time to quit your union who dishes out the BS and does nothing to advocate for discipline and such. Save yourself $600 per year funding this crap union who shoves this liberal crap down your throat!!!!

    1. 135 i am quitting this year too. All a load of crap. Joe should put out an article about how to get out of union contracts for local teachers since they make it almost impossible to do

  9. I am a veteran teacher and agree with 1:21 also. And an incredible amount of money is wasted by administration on non academic things.

  10. Totally agree with 1:21. I am a teacher as well and discipline is out of control. Make kids and parents responsible for behavior and suffer real consequences if the kids don't conform. Also, once again we rely on test scores to gauge a child's ability. Don't let anyone fool you the test makers are raking in the money and the board of ed falls for these fix- all tests. It looks great on paper, but its not reality. Judge a kid on 180 days not a test. It will all start when we begin to discipline them early on. I've taught for many years and for the most have seen the consequences for behavior all bu disappear. We dont need more money, we need to get rid of all the pansy ass politicians who have no clue about how schools run.

  11. PARCC test scores now prove that schools are underfunded. Wow, isn't amazing what school testing is doing these days. I bet the school underfunding has something to do with teacher salaries. After all this is a report from the teachers union.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm a teacher and we need discipline, not money. I make a good living teaching and if you want smarter kids you need to purge the troublemakers and thugs from the schools. We have the resources to teach, we just waste too much time with the troublemakers.

    August 24, 2017 at 1:21 PM

    I can assure you this statement is 100% accurate. Any report that comes from the Maryland State Teachers Association is completely false. The MSEA is the Lawless Teachers Union.

  13. Its time for Wicomico County to Become a Right To Work County.

  14. 1:35, I did quit the union. As a matter of fact I fought the union here in Wicomico County. They are only interested in money and could care less about the children. You can rest assured that anyone here that supports msea is a liberal. We tried to fight for the right to belong to the local association WITHOUT having to support the ultra liberal political agenda of the maryland teachers union.

  15. Is there never enough money needed? Can anyone imagine that when the question is asked, the answer would be , "naw, we're good for this year"?

    Heck, no! More than 50% of your tax dollars go to finance these people, but it's still "not enough"!

    Sheriff? Roads? Police? Fire? Who the heck needs to send them any money? Everyone knows keeping kids in school makes for a peaceful,n educated, working society.

    How's that working for Salisbury?


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