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Thursday, August 03, 2017

‘Obama holdovers’ in D.C. scrubbing ‘ISIS genocide against Christians’

Legal team preparing new court demands to

The Obama administration repeatedly fudged on the issue of Islam.

Barack Obama himself said Muslims were a key to the founding of the nation and after all, the U.S. wasn’t a Christian nation.

Muslim advocates, including some fairly radical, were installed in influential positions in Washington.

Never were the words “Muslim” and “terrorist” to be used together, it seemed.

Now, a report is confirming that those left in the government, and there are many, from Obama’s tenure are busy trying to erase the references to ISIS’ “genocide” of Christians in the Middle East.

It is the American Center for Law and Justice that is, well, a little upset.

“In a startling revelation, news is breaking this week that Obama holdovers within the State Department are actively attempting to scrub its records to remove any mention of the ISIS genocide against Christians,” the organization reported.


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