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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

NYC Boosts Cigarette Prices to $13, Bans Sales by Pharmacies

New York boosted the minimum price of a pack of cigarettes by 24 percent to $13 and placed a cap on the number of tobacco sellers, part of the city’s biggest crackdown on smoking in more than a decade.

The anti-tobacco moves came in the form of a seven-point package of laws that Mayor Bill de Blasio signed Monday. The measures create a retail license fee for sellers of electronic cigarettes and almost double the licensing fee for tobacco retailers to $200. The city is also requiring all apartment buildings of three or more units to create explicit smoking policies, while banning smoking in all common areas.

Pharmacies will be prohibited from selling tobacco as their licenses begin to expire in 2018. The move will affect drug stores like Walgreens and Duane Reade that still sell cigarettes.



  1. Smuggler's Delight

  2. Once again, de blah blah ceo wants government to control your life. And dumocrats still favor him. IDIOTS!!!

  3. Couldn't agree more : more traffic on I 95. This mayor is an idiot as well as a socialist.

  4. Selling illegal cigarettes is going to be better than selling drugs in NYC. If they were serious about making everyone quit, or not start, smoking, they should make them $100.00 a pack. Then all smokers will be smoking contraband cigarettes, and no one will be able to get rid of a "legal" cigarette. No laws driving up the price of anything people want is going to make it go away. It just creates a new supply route to the ones that want it. How has that illegal marijuana program worked out for the government? Still around and better than ever!

  5. All the drugs and crime in that city and the mayor is worried about people smoking. What a moron.

  6. 2:11 you should 've more upset as your tax dollars are being used to fund treatment amd prevention for preventable illnesses such as lung cancer and heart disease caused by smoking. But you clearly only like to observe what's on the surface huh

    1. Yeah, obamacare. How's that working out for ya, huh. Government!!

  7. The easy way to smuggle cigs and not get caught is to buy a truckload but don't transport them to NYC. Store them in a mini-storage in Virginia for a week or two until the snitches and spies have given up on you then you can transport to New York without worry. Works every time because every one of the cigarette busts has been because of snitches, not because of detective work by law enforcement. Trust me on this one.

    1. And then the cigarettes start to go stale and taste like crap.

  8. 341
    I trust you.
    Thanks for the advice.
    I will tell all of my investment friends.

  9. "I trust you.
    Thanks for the advice.
    I will tell all of my investment friends."

    You're welcome. Remember, as long as you buy them in Virginia and keep them in Virginia you can legally buy all you want. No crime until you cross a state line.

  10. Quitting cold turkey is tough but doable. I did because I got tired of liberal administrations telling me what I should not do while raising taxes on something they knew I was addicted to.

  11. Nicotine addicts don't care about the taste if the smokes are $9/pack instead of $13.


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