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Sunday, August 06, 2017

Now Chelsea Is Speaking Out To ‘WHITE’ Parents- I Think I’m Going To Be Sick

In a desperate attempt to cling to any residual fame the Clinton name might still possess, Chelsea Clinton has decided to give free advice to white parents. Not parents of all races, just white parents. She’s singling us out for our skin color.


In a tweet, Clinton suggested that white people need to talk to our children about racism and hate throughout their lifetime.

Painful & powerful. Thank you Crystal for sharing. White parents need to talk about racism & hate with our children throughout their lives. https://twitter.com/crystal1johnson/status/890656329030803456 
As happens on Twitter when someone posts something so mind-numbingly stupid, people responded.

It was like sharks to a paper cut.



  1. Just creating further divide of the races. She needs to study the subject in more depth and when she gets the correct info then attempt to discuss this matter in an intelligent manner if she is capable. Which race is always complaining and always wants something for nothing? Another Clinton idiot.

    1. Her Mom and Obama and CNN did that oooops let's not forget SOROS.

  2. She needs to talk to her kids about what GRANDPA PA DID in MY WHITEHOUSE.

  3. Someone needs to school Chelsea (Alfred E. Newman) on corruption, graft, lying, running a criminal enterprise for profit..........Oh, wait, her parents already did that.

  4. Hillary used black inmates like slaves as the first lady of Arkansas. Even wrote about it.


  5. What does she say about the young man who wants Slick Willie to do a DNA test? Her half-brother if his contentions are correct. Get back to us on that, will you Chelsea?

  6. What a horse-faced idiot.
    Let me explain something to you, Mrs. Ed...
    I'd like to be able to take you back to the early/mid-60's in Baltimore, a time when a White person could NOT walk the streets of black East Baltimore without most assuredly getting confronted, robbed, and beat up.
    At the same time, any Person of Color could walk in ANY White neighborhood without the same fear. I'm not sayin' that everybody wasn't watching them closely (they were), but the threat of violence was not a factor.
    Tell me again which parents should talk to their kids?

  7. Everything that comes out of her and her mothers mouth real intent is to divide us as citizens and try to make them look like some kind of solution. You're supposed to forget the stories of those that worked in the white house when her father was president painted them all as spoiled, lazy, needy and the most whining family ever. Hillary has whined all her life and used Bill's cheating to make everyone feel sorry for her, she has never given a thought to the 4 Americans killed in Bengazi by her failure to act and save them. She leaked national secrets to everyone on her e-mails, no concern or regret over that either. Calling those that followed Trump in the campaign deplorables. Do we need to say more?

  8. Which race is the most racist, and which race is drumming the race drum on a daily basis?

    We all know that answer, but Black Lives Matter won't let anyone say All Lives Matter out loud.

    So, when Chelsea opens her mouth about this, she's lying.

  9. Who cares what SNOWFLAKE Clinton has to say ?????

  10. She is not an idiot.
    She works for the intelligence agencies.

    Learn the truth about this government before it is too late.
    We are being lied to about everything.
    Literally everything.

  11. Wrong race to address it

  12. Her mother lost the election.
    Her husband lost $116 million dollar in his Hedge Fund.
    Her husband lost his job.
    She has lost her mind.........


  13. Webb Hubble you did us no favors with this entitled princess!

  14. She has got to be one of the hideous looking females walking the face of the earth. Not only is she beyond ugly she needs to start practicing personal hygiene. I can just imagine how smelly she is. Her hair is always dirty and her teeth are yellowed. And YES she does look exactly like Hubble who himself wasn't lucky at all when it came to looks.

  15. Well, she is right. Kids do need to be talked to about racism since it is a learned behavior. BUT, no one race has a monopoly on racism. It is prevalent in ALL races.

    I don't know if she has a double dose of "white guilt" or what but she just showed everyone how much of a racist SHE is with those statements.

    But we should have already known that since it is a learned behavior and both her parents have displayed racism. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  16. Sorry got that bill clinton quote wrong. He actually said "a few years ago obama would be carrying our bags".

  17. An extremely stupid comment from a person who has lived a privileged life with a silver spoon. What the does she know about real people and real problems most of us face in everyday life? Racism can be found in all races and within races or religions. It's human nature and hidden in all of us. Just comes to the surface when there is conflict such as the times we are living. Maybe she needs to get out of her ivory tower and live among the working class. I personally would just like to see all the Clinton's just go away and slither back in the hole they came from!

  18. One homely looking child.....

  19. She should be Prosecuted for her dealings with the
    CLINTON FOUNDATION and disappear !!!!!!!

  20. Just to tell a story.... My daughter was in kindergarten and she was playing in the back yard. We lived on a large lot that met other houses. She was talking to a little black boy and a little white boy in the back of the property. I called her over and asked her what are you doing and she replied mommy I like that boy he is really nice. I thought and was just curious the white boy or the black boy so I asked her the white or black boy? She ran all the back to the back of the yard were the boys were and she looked and she ran back to me and she said mommy their is not a black boy or a white boy their is a little creamish and a little tanish boy. Needless to say I never found out who she meant because I was felt so bad my 4 year old taught me a big lesson that day!

  21. This jerk is just jealous because her parent's weren't white. Everybody wants to be different, not satisfied with what they have. In her case I surely agree and understand, with the loins she came from. Sad indeed.

  22. She and her Clintons make me Sick !!!!! Go Away !!!!


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