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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Newsletter Distributed on College Campus Calls for Banning Veterans

A newsletter distributed at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs says veterans shouldn't be in college:

The newsletter reads as follows:

"A four-year, traditional university is supposed to be a place of learning, of understanding, of safety and security. However, there is an element among us who may be frustrating those goals: Veterans.

UCCS is known for its number of veterans who are full and part-time students. But these veterans of much of the school prides themselves on may be hurting the university.

First off, many veterans openly mock the ideas of diversity and safe spaces for vulnerable members of society. This is directly in contradiction to the mission of UCCS. Many veterans utter the mantra that they, "do not see color". But the problem lies in their socialization into the military culture that is that of a white supremacist organization. They have been permanently tainted, and are no long fit for a four-year university.

Second, many students are frightened by the presence of veterans in their classrooms. Veterans usually have an overwhelming presence in the classroom, which can distract other students. This is usually true for vulnerable individual such as LGBTQQI2SAA, who have been known to be the butt of insensitive jokes made by veterans.



  1. Ban veterans, and the school will be banning any, and all, federal funding on campus. I really don't think they realize the impact on their tuition if that was to happen. But they are not smart yet. They have never worked or paid for anything yet in their young lives. They are naive and stupid.

  2. Pres Obama & Eric Holder would not hire veterans into the Justice Department. Too patriotic & loved their country.

  3. If anything, for a dozen reasons, there should be even more veterans, reservists, active duty members and ROTC cadets on college campuses.

  4. 1255 - BIG AMEN!

    Who writes this spew garbage?

  5. To the "vulnerable members of society" who seek "diversity and safe spaces" perhaps you should look inward to discover what makes you so vulnerable. Consider the necessary lifestyle changes to become more confident in yourselves and less vulnerable. Quit with your wimpy attacks on those who are stronger and more confident in themselves.
    Basically, grow a backbone.

  6. Would love to see these people trying to work in the real world!!!

  7. Life is going to rip these deviant, sensitive, always offended sissies to shreds.

    Tip: there aren't any "safe spaces" out here in the real world. NO ONE gives an ounce of puke about whether or not your feelings are hurt. There is NOTHING that is free. Take a day off for protesting and the next thing you'll be "protesting" is your termination. Mom and Dad will die one day and YOU will be responsible for yourself.
    It's that last one that scares the hell out them.
    It's the one thing they can't handle.
    keep cheering.

  8. If they demand anything it should be special consideration for Vet's in school. If not for them their winey asses wouldn't be there!

  9. Modern veterans are all losers.
    They are part of a team of killers who have lost every war they have engaged for the past 2 decades.
    Probably because they are simply public educated. Most privately educated people know better than to join the military.

    Point is this: The schools don't want them because they are inherently "losers".

  10. I don't get it. I have two transgendered Vets in weaving class. They are very nice.

  11. Actually 4:00 is an actual human being with an opinion.
    Try writing a response to the opinion.
    With sentences.

  12. As a veteran I attending and graduated from SU. The kids blindly follow whatever the professors claim. Very few students challenged the ideas and lectures presented to them. Bunch of SHEEP!

  13. 400 you should get out more often and speak your mind in public. See how long that opinion of yours matters and how much Obama Care covers you!

    1158 - good enough for you?


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