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Sunday, August 27, 2017

New Restaurant Opening In Pittsville

There is a new restaurant that will be opening in Pittsville in September.  The Valor House Restaurant is located in the old Station 7 building.  You can find them on Facebook at the link listed below


Valor House doors will be open on Wednesday August 23 at 10:00am to 2:00pm & Saturday August 26 at 11:00am to 4:00pm for applications. We are accepting applications for the following positions.
Cooks, line cooks, dishwashers, busboys, hostesses, waitresses, barmaids.
serious inquiries only.


  1. I give it a year. Until the first tax bill is due. Will likely be over priced. Just like the other two that failed in the same location

  2. We will see how long this one last.....anyone heard what is going on with the Pittsville Dinette....Dave's building????

  3. Way to be positive.....good luck to the new owners!!!

  4. Dave's is for sale

  5. Kinda hard to follow two failed attempts at same location sane type business, has to be some reasoning

    1. Its people like you that make it fail!

    2. I bet you were one of the customers that always complained about something and had your meals or drinks compt but yet you ate it or drank it still.

    3. 3:56 makes a valid point so ease off on the backlash and and learn how to spell "comped".
      It's not a matter of being negative, unfortunately it's just not a good location.

  6. Bureaucracy,taxes and lack of cheap capital do new businesses in.

  7. If they serve tiny overpriced portions of reheated Sysco garbage they won't last. Needs to be amazing good food and plenty of it to make people want to drive to pittsville for it!

  8. The town government is a joke!!

  9. Can't wait for the restaurant..it's time to talk to our families over a table and not a text...our community will be better for it! Good Luck and welcome!

  10. They need to be real on their menu and have a down home country meal. This would draw locals quicker than an expensive City meal that would cost a weeks salary for a half a meal.

  11. wait and see before for start bashing it. that's the problem with people they talk before they know what is going on. Rest, breath and hope them the best. time will tell not you.(map)

  12. Now if we can get those god awful roads paved around that area, that would be nice!!!!

  13. Kinda off topic like 5.21. says the town govt is a joke. Alot of fire and brimstone at the town meeting Monday night.Town officials ragging on a guy for parking a tow truck in his yard but the council president lives in R-2 zoned area and has a clown with a 30 foot rollback running a business out of his house and untagged medium duty trucks in the yard.Boy how is that for the rules of the town.Commercial vehicles are banned from being parked or a business run in a R-2 zoned area.But as long as your best buds with the head town cheese all is good.I hope Pate Matthews comes down and help get all this stuff straight.

  14. Barmaids? Really? Male bartenders do exist, look at almost every bar or restaurant in Salisbury. Shows me right away who is doing the hiring.

  15. Have a degree in hotel/restaurant management and worked in the business in the past. Over 70% of new restaurant s fail in the 1st yr. That was before government regulations of recent yrs. Lets give the new owners a chance and try the food before condemning them to close before they are even open. I wish them the best of luck.

  16. I think it's great someone is opening up that restaurant! I hope the prices are reasonable and the food good. If so, we'll sure go.


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