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Thursday, August 24, 2017

New Gov’t Regulations Absolutely Plummet Under Trump

The pace of new government regulations has plunged in President Donald Trump’s first seven months in office, a welcome relief to businesses and banks that have long pushed for less interference in the economy.

In the first half of 2017, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has processed some 67 regulatory actions, ranging from notices to final rules. During the first six months of former President Barack Obama’s first term, the department coursed through three times as many, processing 216 regulatory actions.

New regulations spiked even more under former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs processed 310 under Bush and a whopping 993 under Clinton.

Trump made tax and regulatory reform key pillars of his 2016 bid for the presidency. Since taking office, Trump has signed executive orders aimed at rolling back Dodd-Frank, slashed regulations imposed on American small businesses, and promised to end all unnecessary regulations on the energy industry.



  1. All which you will not hear on the crooked media!

  2. Who cares about the media, this is why we elected him. GO TRUMP!


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