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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

'New' Dem hope Maxine Waters turns 79

The Democratic Party fancies itself as the party of the future, but one of its top stars was born when gasoline was only 10 cents a gallon.

California Congresswoman Maxine Waters turns 79 years old today.

It’s been quite a year for Mad Max, who is darling of the “Resist Trump” crowd and one of the Democrats’ newest hopes.

While Waters was yukking it up with the ladies on “The View” in early August, she said after Democrats are done impeaching President Trump, they’re going to go after “Putin” next.



  1. The old bag needs to celebrate her birthday at home on her couch and get out of the public eye forever.

  2. Useless ghetto woman already has her place in hell picked out for her where she will burn for eternity just as her lying self deserves. God hates everything she has ever done with her useless life and will punish her like she never dreamed.

  3. Putin will have her killed.
    Maybe she should shut that senile, racist, ghetto trash mouth up.
    I hope not.


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