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Saturday, August 12, 2017

More Wicomico County Flood Images


  1. Happens every so many years. Didn't a big summer rain washout Rt. 349 last year?

  2. They will need a fire boat next. I went to a Pittsville town meeting a few months ago and saw a contractor just lightly skimming the grass out of the bottom of the ditches in town.I personally looked at a few ditches and a path the width of a spade shovel in big tax ditches is all that was done. The budget sheet that was passed out said this cost the town almost 200 K. Well by the looks of the picture a spade path thru them was not enough.I also recently received a letter from the cemetery group saying there is no money to maintain and cut the grass anymore.Guess who was the only one on that board? Mr Denver Moore.

  3. The film crew from HGTV were here this morning filming a segment for "Lakefront Living." It's nice to be able to paddleboard in your own driveway. LOL

  4. Honey, don't flush!!!!!

  5. The ground being already saturated from Monday's storm probably didn't help this whole mess. And we're not even close to done with this, it's supposed to rain the rest of the day. Yay! Welcome to Delmarva!

  6. Lawn mower for sale, CHEAP!

  7. Take pictures of flooding behind new dollar store on main st. Fruitland. Didn't esed to flood there.


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