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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Missouri Senator: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!’

A Missouri state senator said in a now-deleted Facebook post that she hopes President Donald Trump is assassinated.

Maria Chappelle-Nadal acknowledged on Thursday that she wrote a post which read: “I hope Trump is assassinated!”

She made the comment in an exchange with a left-wing activist who claimed that his cousin is a Secret Service agent.



  1. Every assassin of an American politician has either been a liberal Democrat or a Muslim.

  2. How quickly would a Republican been thrown in jail for making a similar statement about the previous POSPOTUS?

    The Secret Service should be on her like stink on a turd!

  3. Karma is a Bitch, and it will come back to you. Unlike you I hope it doesn't. Shame on you for helping to divide us more then we are. Plus if this (God forbid) happens I pray you will be charged and jailed. You and your likes (not race but people that will not stand with the man that WE the people voted for just like we did went O was elected) should be hiding your heads in the sand like you all have been doing for too long. Wake up just like we did.(map)

  4. Why isn't this thug being arrested by the SS.

  5. Just what we need running the country. She probably has an iIQ of 1

    1. You give her to much credit on IQ.

  6. They are demanding her resignation by the ethics committee ..but probably will get a liberal CNN PASS.

  7. Her and the socialist days are coming.

  8. How the hell do these folks get VOTED in? Unbelievable and DEPLORABLE DEM-O-RATS!

  9. Reminds me of that all to soon forgotten racist comment April Jackson made.

    1. she apologized, blamed others, played victim and then lectured everyone in the room on being racist. I was shocked she did it all at the same time.

    2. 11:45 And then she got arrested for assault 😂

  10. She needs to be arrested.

  11. Good will not take your comment lightly. Though shall not kill. You look like a very religious person. Is the weather of God not scary enough. What did Mr Trump ever do to you that would break your belief.

  12. She is a mean spirited racist.

  13. So hate and violence are reprehensible, except if you get to pick the target??? Definition of a hypocrite.

  14. This would not have been tolerated in the America I grew up in. But this is what you get when placing the unqualified in office.

  15. She was elected by an uneducated uninformed needy constituency. I don't even need to research the facts. She is an ignorant person who serves on emotion. She is not qualified because she neither has the temperament nor the experience to govern, She of all people should know better and set example. She should be censored at least, prosecuted at best.

  16. Just let me know when it's legal to exterminate these racist Communists.

  17. Isn't threatening a sitting president a federal offense? If so, why hasn't she been arrested?

  18. That declaration just possibly made for a very uncomfortable interrogation in her future.

  19. Typical black racist. She should be investigated and arrested for her comments on the assassination. Why does it seem all of the conservatives get investigated or arrested for almost nothing, yet the liberals get away with murder? For example just look at the Clintons and how many murders they have gotten away with.

  20. Wth is happening to our Great natio ? I'm all for freedom of speech .But my goodness the haters appear to be taking over . I'm an American first , and a registered republican .I have and will continue to vote for what is best for our nation .our enemies love the chaos

  21. She should be arrested for communicating a threat to the president, and removed from office for treason. Another liberal who is allowed to get away with their rhetoric and hate. There is not a level playing field in Washington. Democrats and Republican are judged on different standarts. If a republican said this Pelosi, Shumer and the bunch would decry outrage and disqust, but it's one of their own who they think is immune from scrutiny.

  22. Another brain dead Hillary lover, got a better idea why don't you just leave this country and do us all a favor.

  23. How come her Racist butt is not Locked up then for her
    comments ????????? If she were White she would be


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