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Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Miss Universe contestant refuses to wear bikini

One contender from the UK is rewriting the rules.

Watching contestants parade around in barely-there swimsuits is synonymous with the world of beauty pageants the way sashes and rictus grins and pledges for “world peace” are.

But now one contestant has thrown out the rulebook, and competed in the finals for Miss Universe Great Britain wearing a caftan, rather than a two-piece.
Muna Jama, from London, is Muslim and earlier this year won the right to compete in the famed competition wearing a caftan. It is the first time in the history of the competition that a contestant has not donned a revealing bikini.



  1. Don't wonder why you can't win!
    That contest has a specific audience and she's not gonna be doing anything for it!

  2. She should be allowed to compete in whatever she wants. However, this is a beauty contest, not a SJW contest. No judge should seriously consider her if she is unwilling to show her body. And she doesn't need a skimpy bikini for that.

  3. The rules call for judging swimsuit clad contestants, ostensibly for the purpose of judging contours and symmetry that equate to an exceptional body by judging standards. Wearing apparel that covers the body and obscures view of the very thing being judged eliminates the contestant from that part of the judging, so winning the competition is never going to happen, at least not by the current rules.

  4. I'm sick of looks governing how we view people.Darn few unattractive people on TV tell it all.Anyone who isn't attractive need not audition.Some day real life will kick in & folks will break away from the world of make believe.Everyone isn't perfect like the ones in the movies and beauty pageants.Some of us are average,and some not even that.


  5. They permitted her to compete in the contest in England; she didn't win so she won't be in the world-wide finals.

  6. I understand the rules and tradition, but maybe it's time to change the rules.

  7. This is a BEAUTY contest you idiot! You knew exactly what was involved in this. Should not be any big surprise! This is been going on for decades and decades and decades's and now you just suddenly want to change it. Put on your designer black face scarf and watch it on TV. A caftan? Really? Nothing says beauty like a caftan.

  8. Lots of antiquated dolts commenting. It is an unnecessary tradition. Have we not evolved past this ignorance.

  9. The UK is now a Muslim country. Much like we are seeing in the US.

  10. Beauty is commonly important in a beauty contest and that includes visually viewing body musculature, contours, posture, and proportion.

    How can that happen while wearing a tent?

    She gets a zero on that category by her own choice, and good luck on the other categories! You may still win!

    Probably not, but at least you played by your own rules, not the Contest rules which are, well, the contest rules.

    Maybe there's a burka contest you could enter...

  11. No Bikini > Ya got to go !!!! see ya !!!!!!

  12. Must adhere to the rules of the contest - not made up rules that an individual believes they should have.

    Good grief!

  13. Let the judges attempt to place "political correctness" (an oxymoron)in the rules and select a overly clad Muslim for the winner, and watch the Miss universe contest cease to exist. Who watches it anyway? I can see all the skin I want on the beach!


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