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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate Defends Voting in D.C. While a Maryland Resident

Maryland gubernatorial candidate Krishanti Vignarajah maintained on a radio show Friday that she is eligible to run, despite having voted multiple times in Washington, D.C., while also registered to vote in Maryland.

Vignarajah’s concurrent voting registrations in Maryland and D.C. were examined in a Bethesda Beat story posted online Wednesday and was a prominent topic when she was interviewed Friday on “The Kojo Nnamdi” radio program.

A D.C. election official told Bethesda Beat on Wednesday that people who register in the District must cancel their registrations in other jurisdictions.



  1. I think it stinks!

  2. so have they arrested her yet>?

  3. Shouldn't she be arrested and jailed ???

  4. Anyone who would breath the same air as the Obama skank you know isn't on the up and up. Decent people would foul their air by being in the same room as her.

  5. Notice that she also wouldn't say if she had paid income tax in MD? Just another "special" piece of fluff without a significant thought in her head!

  6. Yet another example of "the rules don't apply to me" politician.

  7. Admission of commission of voter fraud - the dumbocrat way!

  8. Dude, I moved to DE and registered years ago and I've voted there the past 2 cycles. I guarantee I still have an active registration in Somerset. This has nothing to do with criminal intent and more to do with the failure for precincts to update voter rolls.

  9. Give her he criminal record she deserves.

  10. 2:08 is spot on! IF the wretch already thinks she is better than everyone just think what she will become in office. She needs to pack sand!!


  11. All citizens must follow voting laws.

    She is a lawyer, and will appropriately be held to a higher standard. She is and was free to relocate and change her residence and to register to vote at her new address. She isn't and wasn't free to bounce between her MD home and her DC crash pad and maintain dual voter registrations.

    Confident as the dates for filing wind down someone will make an appropriate challenge. In the interim anyone can make a complaint to the bar association. With the President seeking cooperation from the states on the topic of voter fraud she should have a place in the limelight!

    Her fifteen minutes are almost gone.

  12. 2:23 DUDE you really are a special kind of simple aren't you? No doubt a dumbed down product of the US "education" system.
    Let me explain it in the simplest terms as possible. This has NOTHING to do with updated voter rolls. Not a thing. Has that part sunk in yet because now we are going to get to the part that may be hard for you to comprehend?
    She's admitted living in Catonville which is in MD. Thought I throw that in since you people don't often get off the eastern shore so you may not know where Catonsville is.
    She said she voted in DC because she worked at the White House and the State Dept long hours and couldn't get back to Catonsville to vote. Typical democrat dummy. There are such things as voting early or by absentee ballot.
    So just suck it up and admit the truth 2:23 she is just another democrat and like all other democrats is a liar and a scam artist and just all around a bad person. There's just no guiding this lily. She tried to pull a fast one.

  13. I think you should run for office in California. Just knowing the wife of a former President (and think of his last name) doesn't qualify you for anything.

  14. What about Mathias and Miller where do they live. one on the Western Shore and one in Florida. What is the difference?

  15. The left do not have to obey the laws.

  16. 2:23 PM

    She broke the law in DC. She falsely registered. Doing so made her ineligible to run in MD as it removed her MD registration.

    She should be prosecuted for her DC actions not MD.

    You did the legal thing registered where you live.

  17. Any up and coming actual journalist who is looking for a story that will shine on a resume needs to start looking into this.
    Reporting on local high school baseball scores won't get you out if the minor league of journalism.......


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