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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Lisa Boothe: When Will Democrats Denounce Antifa?

Violence erupted in Berkeley on Sunday when left-wing protesters surrounded and attacked at least five right-wing demonstrators.

They began kicking and punching the right-wing demonstrators until they were stopped by the police. Officers reported at least 13 arrests.

On "America's Newsroom" today, Lisa Boothe said it's important that we marginalize "hate groups" of all kinds.

"So many people came together to denounce what we saw in Charlottesville with those neo-Nazi groups, those white supremacists," Boothe said. "Unfortunately, we're not seeing that same rebuke of groups like Antifa."

She said she has yet to see one Democratic leader come out against violent left-wing groups and declare that what happened in Berkeley on Sunday is unacceptable.



  1. No democrat will ever denounce them because all democrats are very violent people. If some do denounce they are lying because all democrats are liars. They prove this time and time again.

  2. This isn't about denouncing. It's about declaring them a terrorist group and treated as such.
    If they are not stopped, you may not get to the voting booth in 2018 if your republican.

  3. When will Republicans stand up too them?

  4. When will Democrats denounce Democrats.


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