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Monday, August 07, 2017

Liberals Vs. Vets: You Get Viagra, So Let Transgenders In!

In the battle over transgenders in the military, the left seems to struggle with some of the basics. Like the fact that the military decides who can and can’t joint…. not liberals.

And so they enjoy dropping lines like “do you know how much money is spent on Viagra for vets?”

It’s interesting that they ignore discussing how much money is spent on birth control for vets. But of course they don’t make that argument simply because they know birth control is used for medical issues as well.

So why is it that they think the Viagra argument is relevant?

Let me break this down for those making the strawman argument.

Many veterans are prescribed erectile dysfunction pills to deal with one of the many effects of post-traumatic-stress disorder (PTSD).



  1. There is no comparison, therefore no discussion.

  2. This topic is just common sense...jeez...Only Klinger was fit to fight!

  3. There is an active effort to commit a "coup" against the Trump admin and whether intentional or not, to destroy this country by these liberals and others who are like-minded. They should be classified as enemies of the state, for which they have demonstrated they indeed are.

    A free press and free speech are essential to this "democracy" but they overstep their bounds, use both as a weapon instead of what it was designed for, and consider revealing secret and top secret documents and conversations are protected speech. It is NOT, nor should it ever be.

    There are reasons these things are classified. It is not a joke and they put American lives at risk when they irresponsibly divulge such things. It seems to me that what they do borders on treason if not actual treason.

    Keep in mind that we are not the only ones who have a chance to hear and read these secrets, our ENEMIES also have that same chance.

    Do these numbnuts, looking for their 15 minutes of fame and a Pulitzer even think about what they are doing and the consequences? Their hate for Trump supersedes any common sense and any sense of patriotism. They would destroy this country, WILLINGLY AND INTENTIONALLY, just to impede any progress Trump might do.

    This has gone above and beyond any sense of "journalism" or political hegemony and has now evolved into a direct threat to our way of life.

    These people should be dealt with accordingly.


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