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Friday, August 18, 2017

Juanita Broaddrick: Why not tear down statue of 'rapist' Bill Clinton?

Why does America honor an accused rapist?

That’s what Juanita Broaddrick wants to know.

Speaking exclusively to The American Mirror, Broaddrick denounced the lack of efforts to uproot a monument to Bill Clinton in South Dakota, the man she says raped her in a Little Rock, Arkansas hotel room in 1978.

“I would like to ‘personally’ use a sledgehammer on it, with the help of Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones,” Broaddrick says.

A life-size statue of Clinton stands at the corner of 7th and Saint Joseph Street in Rapid City.



  1. That's accused serial rapist, please, just to be accurate.

  2. If we were in favor of that sort of behavior here is a short list. Tear down and/or remove names from schools ect.

    woodrow wilson, JFK, Ted Kennedy, margaret sanger, and clinton.

    The left would never admit the faults of these people.

  3. New York named after a slave trader. C0um0 wants to change all confederate street names why not the name of the state?

  4. Well, not accused, but real, let's tear down the statue and street names of the black adulter/preacher.

  5. I agree while were at it take down the Clinton Foundation and Hillary.


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