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Friday, August 18, 2017

Jim Quinn Rages At "Functional Illiterates Trying To Erase History"

I consider myself a student of history. I’ve always been fascinated by the personalities who drove events throughout history. I probably would have been a history major in college if I didn’t feel the need to make enough money to support myself and my family. I chose a business major and decided studying history would be my hobby. Over the years I’ve taken a particular interest in the Civil War. You could even call me a Civil War buff.

I’ve probably read 60 books on the Civil War, from Bruce Catton, Shelby Foote and numerous other historians. I’ve visited the Gettysburg battlefield a half dozen times, as it is only 150 miles from my home. My basement office is decorated with six prints depicting various scenes from the Civil War. One depicts Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson at Fredericksburg, another depicts Jackson leading his troops through Richmond, another depicts Grant taking command of Union forces, another shows Chamberlain leading the charge down Little Round Top, another portrays Lee and Longstreet making the fateful decision to send Pickett’s men on their futile charge into history, and the last showing the slaughter during Pickett’s charge.

I’ve even taken an executive education course in leadership where the final day is a trip to Gettysburg where a park ranger guides you through the three day battle and the professor asks you to assess the leadership shown by officers on both sides during that tide turning battle. My fascination with the Civil War isn’t based on rooting for one side or the other. I wanted to understand the motivations of the main characters and understand why and how they fought that bloody war. There were so many fateful decisions, errors of judgement, acts of courage, acts of cowardice, brilliantly bold maneuvers, and just plain good and bad luck.



  1. Trying to calculate morals and political views into hiring unemployed "activists" @ $25 an hour who want to cover their heads and riot is an exercise in futility, DUH!.

    PLEASE think about that.

    You will only win bu arrest,and violent subduction, including the rubber or otherwise bullets. @ $25 an hour, they will quit the job, DUH! That's all Soros is offering, so make it not worthwhile!

  2. THIS, is the whole point. The civil war was a matter of principle; slavery was a byline. Lee was a graduate of West Point and in fact in the union army. He was asked to lead the union army during this conflict but was true to his home state, Virginia. That is principle, not hatred or bigotry. Men fought for their respective sides based on principle and character; why would they march for miles on end, have little to eat, and go up against insurmountable odds otherwise?


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