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Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Is the Death Penalty Ever Moral?


  1. sure. if your captured on video, have multiple eye witnesses (giffors, theater shooting, ect). and its 100% certain that you did it

    take them from the court room, right to a waiting noose

  2. Unfortunately yes in my mind. There are some vicious acts that are just so outrageous that there is no other choice. There is evil among us and sometimes ending their existence is the only choice.

  3. Why do certain people think the death penalty is horrible but think nothing of aborting an innocent baby?

  4. "Thou shalt not kill" anyone? Interesting that the most religious states are those who use the death penalty the most. I happen to believe in the death penalty but I myself am not religious. Interested to see how that fits in with the beliefs of others

  5. Yes in cases of pre-meditated murder or child rape.

  6. Just as moral as the act that animal did to someone else. What I don't believe in is feeding them forever waiting for it to happen. If found guilty get r done!

  7. I am pro-life and believe in savu=ing babies from abortion. But I also believe in reinstating the death penalty for murderers. Babies are innocent, murderers are not.

  8. Be like Texas and open an express lane for the death penalty.

  9. I know I would certainly want the death penalty imposed on anyone who killed someone I loved. Since I would not be willing to take someone's life myself, I can't expect someone to do it for me. Therefore, I personally am against the death penalty. If you are Christian then the 10 Commandments answers that question. Everyone has a different view of morality, so this is a tough question.

  10. 12:34 it's about innocence. a baby has committed no crime. the original verse is thou shall not murder. a big difference between kill and murder. you commit a crime and kill someone then you murdered them. However if during your criminal escapades you get killed well then your dead but you weren't murdered!
    Which again goes back to innocence which is the real crime about abortion! although if they made it retroactive for those who favor it then I could be inclined to support it!

  11. August 8, 2017 at 12:06 PM

    that doesn't make it moral, just legal and less doubt

  12. That's a tough call. With all the recent (years) of finding innocent people in jail who had been "railroaded" by corrupt and/or inept cops, prosecutors, and judges, that's a mistake waiting to happen.

    Even when you have absolute proof it's something that should be considered very long. Everyone can think of a specific crime they feel people are worthy of being killed for and I am no exception. Pedophiles for example.

    But do we really have that right?

  13. August 8, 2017 at 7:19 PM:

    Pedophiles are soon to be treated like the Transgenders, Gays, and others with gender identity issues. They will claim that they were born that way, and that they have a RIGHT TO BE that way. It's coming folks.

  14. Of course it is. It is only immoral to kill innocent people. For that, we have the death penalty.

  15. If it is immoral to kill, then it is immoral to kill.

    There are no terms that would change this.

    The death penalty does not deter crime, nor is it less expensive... in fact it is more expensive to keep someone in prison for life than it is to execute someone.

    Not to mention when the justice system gets it wrong. What then?


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