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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Inside The Opioid Crisis That You're Not Allowed To See

Earlier this month, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions unveiled a plan to go after doctors and pharmacies suspected of healthcare fraud by oversubscribing opioids. America’s opioid epidemic killed 33,000 people in 2015 making it the worst drug crisis in our history. Last week, President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a national emergency allowing the executive branch to direct funds towards treatment facilities and supplying police officers with naloxone.

As a socio-economist on the front lines of the opioid crisis in Baltimore, Maryland, I am about to take you through an opioid experience like you’ve never seen before. We’re going to travel into the inner city of Baltimore and interview current and former addicts of opioids and heroin. Some of these individuals used heroin 15-minutes before the cameras started rolling.

These individuals have never been given the chance to tell their story until now. Baltimore’s mainstream news is not allowed to share this because it breaks the narrative that everything is awesome. It turns out that Baltimore could have the largest methadone clinic in the United States called Turning Point Clinic. Each of the interviewees are current and past patients of the clinic and speak very negatively about it. A similar description of Baltimore is heard from each of the interviewees of a hellacious city with decades of deindustrialization, drug abuse, and violent crime.



  1. Any thing that can be done to end this crisis is progress but the other responsible parties are never touched. People are able to import this stuff with a credit card and a computer. PLEASE stop this nightmare.

  2. but they can decide to pull down monuments and pull them off at 3am the same day. Seems like their priorities are back ass wards.

  3. The problem is here as well. I was in the Delmar WAWA and someone fell out and the EMT's came and while they were there one had to run over to to Food Lion for the same thing. Burglaries and petty crimes are on the rise. Where is all this dope coming from and why can't we control it ? Someone besides gangs and thugs are getting rich off of this all and buying off officials for this to be so rampant. The stuff is being cut with deadly synthetic Chinese crap that gets here God knows. Our political divisions, recent riots and butt hurt concerns over real news fake news and who is right and who is not are just media dramas compared to this crisis. All this drama has created cultural Apathy. People young and old see nothing to aspire towards or invest their lives in and prefer to treat their pain like a true chronic malaise. This circus in DC needs to get it together. I did not like Obama and so far Trump is a giant clown full of hot air elected by Honey BooBoo America and tooting made in China Duck calls by a bunch in beard drag. It has all become one big reality show lines drawn sides taken and guess what. We will all suffer more loss before this crazy period in time plays out.

  4. I keep telling you and you won't believe it, but its true.

    It's not Tyrone in Harlem or L.A. moving tons of cocaine or thirty thousand pounds of pot. It's Coast Guard commanders NOT being in the right place, it's Congressmen and corporate CEO's making things happen for the right price, bankers laundering billions (with a "B"), and cops looking the other way or protecting the big guys.
    There is way too much money involved to think it can be stopped. NO ONE can stop it. If you think otherwise, you haven't been paying attention for the last 50 years
    Probably been busy.
    Doing you-know-what.
    Why stop now?
    Keep cheering.


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