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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

In Their Own Words: "Make this country ungovernable"

In the days since violent clashes at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville culminated in a neo-Nazi sympathizer driving his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, journalists have mainstreamed the self-described “anti-fascists” (or “antifa”) at the rally — largely ignoring their involvement in the escalating political violence in this country.

Many establishment political figures insisted the far-left actors were just like American soldiers on D-Day. But these “anti-fascists'” own statements show they’re nothing like American soldiers on D-Day.

They aren’t interested in protecting America’s system of government, according to their own statements — they’re interested in destroying it.

From the very start of the Trump administration, far-left actors declared their intention to use massive demonstrations to disrupt the American political process as much as possible.

A common mantra among far-left groups beginning shortly before the inauguration: make America “ungovernable.”

“We need to make this country ungovernable,” declared a female leader for Refuse Fascism shortly after the inauguration. “We need to do what the German people should have done when Hitler was elected.”

More here


  1. Time for martial law take back our countries streets

  2. that want to crash the system and replace it with a better system of them in charge.

  3. Soros master plan working.

  4. So two groups who both think the Government is evil are beating each other in the street and getting arrested by the Government... do you know how stupid we look to the World right now.


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