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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Hurricane Harvey To Affect Gas Prices Nationwide

As residents of Texas continue to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, the effects of the storm are starting to reverberate across the country in the form of higher prices at the gas pump.


  1. Its already started here....+.10 cents yesterday.

  2. of course it will. never let a good rain storm not rip off the consumer.

    1. Do you think it was a little worse then a good rain storm?

  3. Holiday weekend coming, will rise even more.

  4. 821
    I agree.

    In fact, it was one of the most successful geoengineering events of all time.
    And it serves several purposes, one of which is to prevent the building of the much needed wall on our southern border.
    It will be politically impossible now for Mr. Trump to finance the wall as he and the Congress will be trapped into spending much needed money on rebuilding Houston and all of the surrounding towns which are being literally decimated by a completely unnatural rain event. The atmosphere has never held this much moisture and the particulate matter which is now aloft means the water content is unnaturally heavy. Look for more of these manufactured events by the geoengineers who use these events for political as well as financial gain.

    Very sad situation.

  5. Just another example of Politians allowing "price gouging" for corporations. Guarantee the oil companies will not lose money along with the Politians investments in oil. But the little man loses.

  6. Bob Aswell....Tired of the phonies and liarsAugust 29, 2017 at 11:05 AM

    Joe, Sometime back I wrote a story about Cato and other jobbers gouging the general public on gasoline. I was told I, even after being involved in the transportation of fuel, didn't know what I was talking about. I think the rube who wrote the rebuttal will be VERY inconspicuous after this storm.
    Firstly, the bulk of the fuel produced in Texas amounts to 12% of the nations reserve. Secondly, the fuel that we use here mostly comes via
    water transportation from several LOCAL refineries and
    those situated in the North Jersey and Pennsylvania areas. Granted SOME of the gas we use comes on the Texas Eastern pipeline from the South but minimally because Gasoline will become 'flat' when it travels too far by pipe and re-refining is necessary. The cost of this procedure is added to the consumer thus causing fluxuation in the market price.
    Even with all this the jobber/distributor just CAN'T resist the chance to gouge the consumer to keep their profits HIGH just like the water in Texas.
    There's a special place for them in Hell because Satan uses SOME of their precious 'GAS' to stoke the fire,(At a wholesale Price).
    Bob Aswell...Tired of the phonies and liars.

  7. NO > One area should affect gas prices Nationwide ...BULL

    JUst more excuses to raise the price as Usual ........!!!!

  8. reason we need to be energy independent...

  9. They do it each and every time during a disaster


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