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Thursday, August 03, 2017

HSLDA to Trump: Don’t Let the Charlie Gard Tragedy Happen Here

When courts and medical authorities in England can overrule parents’ wishes and declare it is in the best interest of a child to let him die, it’s time to redouble efforts to protect parental rights here in America.

That’s what Home School Legal Defense Association recently told President Donald Trump.

HSLDA wrote a letter to President Trump, respectfully urging him to withdraw the United States from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

As the sad and alarming case of 11-month-old Charlie Gard illustrates, the timing of our request could not be more critical.

As we wrote in our letter, “we believe that life is precious and that parents, not the government, know best how to protect and care for their children.”

The story of Charlie Gard and his parents “highlights the stark difference between our national values and those of internationalists who believe that government bureaucrats and the courts should decide how children should be raised and even whether a life is worth living.”

More here

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