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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Hillary Clinton's Role Model


  1. Gender confused?

  2. unfortunately all it did was make it easy for them to get rid of a kid and start again.


  3. Let's give credit where credit is due. Hillary should not get all of the credit.

    The Democrat party, lock, stock and barrel, young and old, male, female and gender confused, has completely signed onto the killing of the unborn. Those who would not buy into their embrace of pre-birth slaughter have effectively been driven from the party.

    Not an accident...it's been Planned.

  4. So much for the parties switching platforms....we can see from this that the HildaBeast and her party are truly the racist ones that they claim we are!

  5. Blacks should study this .....and quit voting Demon-crat !!

  6. Hey Margaret, it's not working!

  7. Hillary and Bill Fooled many Blacks !!!!!!! Fact

  8. We need more like her, just think about it. They could really make America great again.

  9. Planned Parenthood is the biggest scam and offensive organization that exists. Their should be NO TAXPAYER MONEY going to this organization!

  10. Lincoln won the civil war as a republican President. Since then the dumbocrats have re-enslaved the blacks with government shackles for votes.

    The KKK was all dumbocrats. The civil rights act was passed by republicans while the dumbocrats fought it hand and tooth.

    Black people, why do you keep voting dumbocrat????? You're just enabling your masters.

  11. 913
    The Klan was a creation of Freemasonry, hence the 11th letter of the alphabet used 3 times = 33rd degree.
    Abraham Lincoln spoke very realistically about the benefits of african slavery in America for a long long time prior to accepting European bankers' money to destroy half of the Country.

    The question is this: Why do ANY OF US continue to vote for Freemasons and Zionists?



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