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Thursday, August 03, 2017

Heavy drinkers more likely to reach 85 without dementia

Drinkers rejoice.

A 30-year study by the University of California, San Diego has concluded that over-65s who indulge in up to three alcoholic drinks a day can look forward to a happy and healthy retirement.

In fact, they said, moderate to heavy drinkers are more likely to live to the age of 85 without dementia or other cognitive impairments than non-drinkers.

The study, which tracked more than 1,000 middle class white men and women in California, builds on a swell of recent research linking alcohol intake to longevity.



  1. This is true and I speak from experience.

  2. Correlation does not mean causation

  3. Look at Queen Elizabeth...every day 3 or 4 drinks.

  4. I've never met a "heavy drinker" that made it to 85. Most of the heavy drinkers that I have known barely made it to 60. They just looked like they were 85 when they died.

  5. just open a cold one after hearing this good news

  6. 9:00am, and I bet the reason they died they attempted to slow up thinking it would help them. I've seen a many good drinker do that or stop and go all to he-l. Best to keep on tossing.

  7. 1:27 PM: Nope, they all died of liver disease. Slow, painful deaths. And yet, most drank until the day they died ("best" according to you). Sad, but true. "Many a good drinker"...what the heck are you trying to say? You must be one of the ones that are drinking Sterno, by now.

    I've watched many of my hard drinking friends pass away long before 60. They suffered greatly before their deaths. Yet I still drink with my moderate drinking friends, and we are closer to 70, than 60 now. The empirical evidence speaks for itself. Everything in moderation....


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