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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Gun-grabbing lawyers on the rampage

The American Bar Association is pushing state and local governments to adopt firearm confiscation laws similar to those in California.

During their 2017 Annual Meeting, the ABA House of Delegates adopted Resolution 118B, which “urges governments to enact statutes, rules, or regulations authorizing courts to issue gun violence restraining orders, including ex parte orders.”

The ex parte aspect of the resolution means the ABA is pushing confiscation orders that can be issued without any input from the gun owner.

Breitbart News reported that California Democrats secured “gun violence restraining orders” after the May 23, 2014, Santa Barbara attack. That attack was a carried out by an individual who passed a background check for his firearms, registered his guns with the state — per law — and only used standard capacity magazines (10 rounds or less).



  1. They will never give up, so neither should you...

    Notice how in this article they admit their gun-grabbing laws don't stop violence... Yet we need more gun control laws...

  2. He passed the background check either because it was actually performed (Time restriction in most states), or because these fools won't let us deny someone because they are an Islamic Extremist!

  3. They can't take what they don't know about.

  4. If you let democrats do what they want you'll have no rights at all.

  5. I say vote Republican and receive a free gun.

  6. You all are welcome to come TRY to take mine. Eventually you will, but I promise I'll bury a few of you while you try.

  7. My "NO TRESPASSING" signs have warned you so you enter my property at your own risk and except the consequences of your actions.

  8. My locked door isn't for my protection, it's for yours and whoever attempts to come in, police included.


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