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Sunday, August 27, 2017

‘Give Up The Home You Own’: Black Lives Matter Activist Makes List Of ‘Requests’ For White People

An activist associated with the Black Lives Matter movement recently offered a list of requests for white people.

The article for Leo Weekly, titled, “White people, here are 10 requests from a Black Lives Matter leader,” was written by Chanelle Helm, a self-described “cofounder and core organizer of Black Lives Matter Louisville.”

In the post, Helm opens by telling white people, “if you don’t have any descendants, will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.”

White people who can “an afford to downsize” are urged to “give up the home you own to a black or brown family.”



  1. Basically, just give, give, give.

  2. nope monuments leaving statues coming down YOU GET SQUAT and if we find your relatives own slaves you owe us double

    1. Most slave owners were black . We owe you nothing.

  3. Black Lives Matter and all their people can go straight to prison same as person who initiated it. He sat in prison and had nothing else to learn from the experience but how to get even with whites and initiate a race war based on his sick mind and anybody with this organization. I will when I die give you nothing, if you want something work for it yourselves, don't blame the world for your failures just look in your own mirror no further effort is required.

  4. I got TWO WORDS for Chanelle!

  5. I laughed so hard the first time I saw this that I almost fell off my chair.

    The people that work so hard should give up what they earned because others just want stuff for free!

    Half of me thinks I can't wait till oxygen costs money so these people will finally die of asphyxiation!

  6. I'd rather give my home and other items to ISIS before BLM.
    Just goes to show you how much brain these idiots have.

  7. I just sent her a tweet on how I feet about her article. What a fat, worthless sack of excrement.

  8. I would gladly provide my address and encourage someone to come and try to stake their claim on my property.....the statements are getting more idiotic everyday.

  9. This is really getting sickening, what the hell more do they want!!!

  10. I have seen all too often what a "poor" person dies with property that is given to them. Folks, it ain't pretty! I am 68 years old, I own a farm and 15 houses. I have, and still am, working my ass off to keep it all going. You can put me at the head of the line to give it all away to someone because their skin is a different color than mine. NOT!

  11. "generational poverty" has never been resolved by "gifts." Only a culture that accepts that jobs and work are the only way out of poverty will advance out of poverty. All the government programs of gifts to the poor, have failed to change generational poverty. Quite the opposite, it reinforces generational poverty. More gifts are not the answer. That only perpetuates continued reliance on handouts. Blacks will never get over slavery unless they learn to work for a living, and not rely on handouts. They now have a different kind of bondage. Its called welfare. More handouts will never be the answer.

  12. Here is a suggestion to their requests, get an education, go to college or trade school, get a job and then work your butt off like the rest of us to get a home. If you decide to start a family, get married first, and then do something revolutionary like stay together and be involved with your family and children.
    Do this, and you will live like any other working white, Asian, or Hispanic family out there. Otherwise, you get enough in public assistance from us working folks anyway. You get nothing because you deserve nothing, especially the things I have worked all my life for like my home and the possessions in it!

  13. That's another example of the one's who think they are entitled. What ever happened to work for what you want?

  14. sure better yet how bout I let em live in my second and third homes all over the globe! works for me!

  15. It's coming. Can you feel it.

  16. Let the sob work for it like I have! I ain't giving nothing and never will!

  17. No more handouts - PERIOD!

  18. What about all those empty row houses and shacks that are abandoned or burned out from all the inner cities in the U.S? I'm sure they could fix them up to be livable again, but that would take some effort on their part as well as work. All you have to do is look at all the public housing that has been given to them already. Most of them are now slums. Unless you are willing to work for it, you won't have any respect when it is given to you.

  19. We all know what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you.

  20. 1:13, Amen. (map)

  21. I got ten bullets. Come and get it.....

  22. Whites will just Have Black Lives Matter Outlawed and Removed !!!!!!

  23. You think James Yakahomo from SJW's is dumb enough to do that?

  24. Looks like it's time for Black people to go back to Africa then maybe they will appreciate what they had here before their temper tantrums

  25. Major cities that were once clean, quiet, mostly crime free were once white. Take Baltimore or Philly or Detroit for example; they were taken over by blacks and now look at them.

    In 1945 two Japanese cities were leveled in order to end WW II. Major cities in England and Germany were flattened also. The point of this is that since 1945 these cities have been totally rebuilt and flourishing. But, since 1945 most major American cities have turned into ghettos by those who refuse to work and live a life of crime and violence. Think about this.

  26. Haaa haaaaaaaa. You people are good for a laugh. You are not going to get one red cent. How stupid can you get? You want something, get it like everyone else did. WORK for it. Oh, sorry for the four letter word.


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