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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Gary Cohn Does Not Regret Trashing President Trump

National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn has no regrets about trashing President Donald Trump’s response to the violence in Charlottesville earlier this month.

According to a report in Politico, Cohn told “associates” that he “didn’t regret one bit having made his comments.” Cohn also reportedly complained loudly about President Trump at a dinner in a Long Island restaurant — loud enough to be overheard by others, according tothe Washington Post.

Cohn, a Democrat, bought into the opposition and media line that the violent Antifa activists who attacked right-wing extremists in Charlottesville were merely “[c]tizens standing up for equality and freedom.”

He has evidently refused to reconsider his views as Antifa proudly claimed credit for the violence and launched more attacks in the days that followed, violently assaulting a group of peaceful right-wing protesters Sunday in Berkeley, California.


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