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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Gainor to NBC’s Chuck Todd on Antifa Violence: ‘You Own it’

Media Research Center Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Monday to discuss yesterday’s events in Berkeley and how media still refuses to condemn or acknowledge left wing violence at political rallies.

Speaking of Antifa in Berkeley, Gainor said, “They turned out particularly large yesterday. They were militant. They were violent. They attacked people, they attacked journalists, they were chanting, … ‘No Trump, No wall, no USA at all.”

Gainor also pointed out that NBC’s Chuck Todd “put on this guy Mark Bray from Dartmouth, put him on twice in one week to defend the violence of Antifa and here they are chanting this. The people who own this violence in Berkeley yesterday are people exactly like Chuck Todd.”

More here


  1. Giving the fools airtime shows them as not the least bit less than fools. Think of them as the criminals that they are, nothing more.

  2. If they truly believe " no USA at all" then round them up and get them a visa and one way ticket to the country of their choice.

  3. They, the media, probably like it because they will have more to report. Maybe one of them will get beat and teach them that it's not fun.

  4. The guy they attacked for praying and being kkk is Mexican. He WAS a democrat but now not so much

  5. This is as serious to our freedom, as Al Queda or ISIS in the U.S. This group Should be declared a terrorist Group, in this country and treated as so. Plenty of room at Guantanamo Bay.

  6. The journalists there getting beat also,that's'gold.


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