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Saturday, August 05, 2017

GAG! California Secession Movement: ‘Our Values Are Different’ Than The United States

Part of me wants to tell California to go for it if they truly want to secede. But that is never going to happen. Despite what the CalExit movement may think or protest, the Golden State is part of the United States by law. They can’t just go to the UN and declare they are their own country. We have military bases there and the coastline is strategically important to the U.S. Should they actually get enough moonbats to support this, then it would be time to send the National Guard in and take control of the state.

Tucker Carlson took on one of the leaders of the CalExit movement, Shankar Singram. He can say their values are different than ours all he wants and claim to disregard our laws as a nation, but in the end, he won’t get a say in that. And that is the actual reality here. It will be interesting to see if Californians actually vote for this. I doubt they will, but then again, it is the land of fruit and nuts. If I were President Trump, if this does get voted for, I would view it as an uprising and act accordingly.



  1. I am darn glad that your peculiar and sick values are different or the country would be lost. And if the country were to let you seceed, why would we protect you from foreign invaders?

  2. Let them go!
    Take your politicians, fruits/nutcases, and debt with you!
    The rest of the country will be permanently Republican/Conservative and happier to be rid of you!

  3. Just cut off the feed from the Colorado river and let'em go.

  4. Definition of IDIOT: Iconoclastic dolts ignorant of TRUTH. Also known as California.

  5. Totally agree with 107 and 123.

  6. Let them go! Once they are gone, the republican's will will every election!

  7. Just think of the possibilities Californians would be considered illegal aliens and immediately deported! Lol

  8. If anyone should secede it should be MD and VA Eastern shore. We are under represented, over looked and more anti-government than most of the country.

  9. The sad truth is that the US Government is so thoroughly corrupt and evil that most States should want to separate from it.
    The Federal Government does not work for the people and hasn't done so for a very long time.

    I don't believe there is a political solution to the problem and succession will not be permitted for all of the reasons stated in this article.

  10. Yes Texas and Alaska can withdraw from the United States because that was a condition of them joining the union at that time. However Alaska would simply become a US territory because the government purchased it from Russia!
    Let California go and we can deport all illegals there for them to take care of and any waters which are diverted be cut off and if they want the water they can pay for it. It would dry up the farm land where they grow produce so that is one source of income that would literally dry up! So what other natural resources do they plan on supporting themselves with - Hollywood? Lol

  11. Trump should do like Lincoln did. Invade them with the military, then kill all we can until they cry uncle and surrender. Once they secede, they aren't Americans anymore, and we can go to war with them to take our territory back (you know, the territory we took from Mexico).


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