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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

FLASHBACK: After Black Radical Massacred Dallas Officers, Obama Didn't Condemn Black Racism

President Donald Trump is under fire from the left for his initial failure to specifically condemn white supremacy, the KKK, or the violent Alt-Right after a white nationalist drove his car into a group of counter-protesters in Charlotttesville, Virginia on Saturday. Instead of singling out white supremacy, Trump condemned "hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides." But while Democrats and the mainstream media have suggested Trump is tacitly condoning white racists by failing to call them out by name, the reaction from the same folks to President Obama's similar response to the racially motivated Dallas massacre was very different.

In the summer of 2016, at the height of the public outrage over the high-profile police shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, black nationalist Micah Xavier Johnson took his sniper rifle and shot and killed five Dallas police officers. President Obama's responses to the sequence of events was widely praised by the press.

Responding to the outrage over Sterling and Castile, President Obama said their deaths were "not isolated incidents" but were "symptomatic" of a criminal justice system plagued by "racial disparities." That evening, during a Black Lives Matter rally, Johnson opened fire on Dallas police officers, shooting a dozen officers, five of whom died from their wounds. Before the police were forced to shoot him dead, he told them that he was deliberately targeting "white people, especially white officers" and that the Black Lives Matter movement had inspired his actions.

"The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter; he said he was upset about the recent police shootings. The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers," Dallas Police Chief David Brown told reporters.



  1. Without someone in the White House to endorse the 'racism' theme, the media are DESPERATE to fan any little spark that might erupt into a flame.

    I don't know how anyone with the least bit of sense could believe anything they say or do.

    They are TRULY becoming an enemy to the people of the United States.

  2. Any person that has good sense, would know that Obama wanted nothing but to ruin this country.

  3. Obama was/is a racist. He's gone, but his racist legacy endures in the Democratic party.

  4. This hypocrisy is what will cause the next civil war.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Obama was/is a racist. He's gone, but his racist legacy endures in the Democratic party.

    August 16, 2017 at 10:32 AM

    I don't think he is gone. I think he is in the shadows doing what he promised to do before leaving office, hand in hand with Killary.

  6. Because He was a Racist and Muslim in disguise !!!!!!


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